What government tells you what you must do to yourself even against your will and how you will raise your children?
Communist China!
Welcome to the new world where the collective is controlled by the few. Gene Roddenberry gave you some insight into the eventual extreme of that in the future—the Borg.
However if we are going to go down this path where is the mandatory exercise regimens and restricted opportunities until you get your weight and diabetes under control? After all these are things that kill you when you get COVID if you bother to read the CDC data on comorbidity issues. Not to mention these are indicators in a number of other fatality causes such as heart disease and CSV etc.
What I saw yesterday is an administration that is so incompetent they would sell everyone out to stay in office. This is the modern Democrat party or should we say the modern Communist Democrat party.
I am amazed that some of my Democrat friends are so buried in their own victimhood or trying to be woke for other’s invented victimhood that they cannot see where this is going.
at Communist China - September 16, 2021 at 01:01PM
Steve's Take On Today's News,
Click the headline to Read the full article at Steve Anderson's Facebook .