Rep. Chuy Garcia, a backbencher Democrat from Illinois, was very happy with himself that he voted for the Democratic gun-grabbing/"assault" "weapons" ban in the house. Anarcho3D, a random Twitter account, was critical of the congressman, so the congressman responded with profanity and ableist slurs.
Anarcho3D never even heard of the backbencher when he/she/it/xi responded that they will not comply with the House gun ban. That caused the congressman to lash out at the random anonymous Twitter account: "You are borderline r*tarded, ya f*cking dipsh*t."
"R*tard," sometimes referred to as the "r-word" or "r-slur," is a pejorative for either someone mentally disabled or just stupid. In the adjective form "r*tarded," it's meant to describe something stupid or foolish. For example, it is r*tarded for a congressman to curse out randos on Twitter over mild, anonymous criticism.
Or allegedly curse them out. After the tweet was up for almost two hours, a statement was issued on behalf of the congressman by his spokesperson, blaming an anonymous staffer that is going to be "disciplined" and that "action" will be taken. No apology. Just an acknowledgment that it happened.
Critics will say that sometimes when a public official f*cks up on social media, they will blame an anonymous staffer for the post. On occasion, an intern will be blamed. Congressman Garcia has the added benefit of being a Democrat and knowing the media will never investigate the matter or the "anonymous: staffer further. Had this been a Republican congressman, CNN would have a doxxing-team dispatched to the district.
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July 31, 2022 at 07:18AM - Brodigan
Anti-Gun Democrat goes on profanity, slur-laden tirade against some random dude who criticized him
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