Kevin Stitt will meet with key legislative leaders to weigh options for matters that cannot wait til next February.
We have secured a meeting between the governor's office and legislative leaders who are seeking to fix statutory mistakes which would otherwise result in the closure of several family-owned shops and farms which lawfully provide cannabis medicines to Oklahoma patients.
the day went well and we were met with several pleasant surprises.
Listen to the podcast, here. |
Listen to the Podcast, here.
Live at 7:00 PM to discuss current whip count, McCortney’s flip flopping, and other matters.
Senator Thompson is a confirmed YES. It would be 7 left to go, but McCortney not shockingly flipped. So 8 to go!Should be interesting. Please, keep trying to reach out to Senators. Senator Kidd, Senator Radar, and Senator Thompson are now confirmed YES votes. I think that leaves 5 needed, but 7 would be better since we can’t depend on Senate Leadership’s prior word. Another post about McCortney because it’s important to see how things have changed with him. He was a yes (see below). Now he is a no (see below). Greg, what changed? What were you promised or told? Inquiring minds would like to know. Listen to the podcast, here.Listen to the podcast, here.
Another post about McCortney because it’s important to see how things have changed with him. He was a yes (see below). Now he is a no (see below). Greg, what changed? What were you promised or told? Inquiring minds would like to know.
Senator Bergstrom out clearly in favor of a veto override. He even says he called Treat and was told by Treat they don’t have anywhere close to the votes. I’m going to update the count at 7:00, but sure looks close to me. Throw Senator Bergstrom and our other yes votes some love please!!! Thanks to the Oklahoma Cannabis Industry Association and Bud Scott for coming out in support of HB3228 by encouraging Senators to override Governor Stitt’s Veto. As I’ve said, it’s time to put egos aside. It’s important to come together to support the critical fixes in HB3228, and working together is the only hope we have. It’s a long shot, but it’s not too late. So thanks OCIA for taking a stand. Listen to the podcast, here.
WHIP COUNT UPDATE: Please help contact Senators in Category 3. We are at 22 votes, but we need 32 votes. Updated: Senator Bice removed from no column and placed back in undecided. I am working on that one personally, so no need to call or email right now.
Listen to the podcast, here.
Want to know why Stitt vetoed HB3228 and Senator Treat won’t call it for a veto override? If so, join me at 12:30 for a live update from this page. It’s time for part 2.5 of the fight to somehow save HB3228. I should mention, you are going to be pissed when you learn why. If you know a dispensary owner, you need to get them to hear this because the veto of HB3228 may well kill their business, and they don’t even know it yet.
-side note: for those that think my strategy of being aggressive is the wrong move, please come with your plan to save this bill and not wait a year while we watch businesses close and patients suffer. We would also love to hear all the work you are putting in other than trying to tear me down on Facebook. We are all ears waiting for your brilliant plan. |
Ron Durbin Podcastis an experienced political consultant, legislative advisor, & cannabis industry attorney. On your mobile or podcasting app, enter -
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