Of the several state questions being decided in next month's election, three are drawing both criticism and applause from various conservative groups. Conservatives are generally supporting measures of religious tolerance and the constitutionality of a death penalty. But specifying regulatory limits on agriculture has proven contentious to many groups. So have measures of marketing some liquor products or how seriously should we treat simple possession of some drugs. | SoonerPolitics.org has given the campaigns exclusive opportunities to get out their messages. www.soonerpolitics.org/sooner-issues |
On 780& 792, we have two strong political forces divided. The "moral majority" Republicans oppose any softening of our prohibition policies. The "liberty" Republicans believe personal consumption is a personal decision and govt.should focus only on threats to public safety and child exploitation. SQ780 does not legalize possession, but does reduce it to a misdemeanor (unless distribution charges are filed).
Be sure to bookmark the Sooner Issues page and keep up with last minute developments.