Your political campaign is pressing hard to encourage Oklahomans to repent of being "pro-life", and declare themselves committed to one thing... "Abolitionist" of abortion.
I'm in my late 50s and I have been diminished by people who are seeking to change a 45 year old term into a derogatory. Your campaign is featuring videos of people openly repenting of having been pro-life. You're trying hard to make that term a slur and associated with phoniness, compromised convictions, & deceptiveness of intent.
Let me tell you how I joined the cause of honoring the dignity of life.
- As a Catholic child I supported many efforts for racial equality, honoring the life of the unborn, & dignity for the elderly.
- I fought against abortion as a 12 year old in central Minnesota, in 1973, with the MCCL.
- I held public school debates as a 14 year old high school freshman.
- In the 80s and beyond my wife & I opened our home to homeless mothers who had aborted previous pregnancies, in partnership with Catholic Charities.
- We have done sidewalk counseling, marches down public streets, & lobbying at the capitol, with Tulsa Christian Fellowship.
- We gave liberally of our limited funds, and voiced our protests in the media.
- We have preached in churches and city parks.
I do not make the term 'Abolitionist' a denigration. Jeff Durbin is a nationally-known Abolitionist, & he has been an inspiration to me. I've admired his message for years. I do agree with Jeff Durbin, that there are 'abolitionists' who are a grave threat to the Abolitionist movement because of their lack of honesty and their ulterior motives.
I have no idea why you feel so compelled to press your political correctness, but it's just as wrong a tactic as when a raving liberal does it. You're trying to reframe the debate, but you're disparaging multitudes who have fought this fight since maybe before you or I came around.
What I will not support is a veto of some legal efforts just because those efforts weren't perfection and the complete end of the bigger battle.
There was a pro-life movement before Roe-v-Wade; and there will be a pro-life movement after the overturning of Roe-v-Wade.
What I hope we can stop is the tactic of politically-driven redefinitions which denigrate the bigger effort to honor the dignity of every life, at every age, and of every color.