"..No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws." - 14th Amendment, ratified 1868 When Oklahoman's traded in their territorial status for US statehood, certain things were understood. Among them were the sense of equality among the people. One may cynically laugh about whether the people ever lived up to that pledge, but our nation's laws have long come to the aid of minorities whose rights to the full liberties & protection of law. We're now met with a startling realization of a form of racial, or tribal, privilege that is denied to the rest of the people of Oklahoma. |
But I'm not okay with the state govt. deciding what enterprise opportunities I get, based on my bloodline. That is simply offensive to my Christian sense of justice... Social justice.
Over the past 30 years, Oklahoma has had 2 Democrat governors. Both of them have negotiated tribal gaming deals that sold off our citizens' rights to the tribes. Oh, and both of those governors got elected with massive campaign infusions from the tribes. It's the only scheme where govt. can be bought off (bribed) and no one goes to jail.
The only equitable solution which I find constitutional and just, is to remove the racial (tribal) component to eligibility for a gaming license. This is how Nevada & New Jersey have succeeded in developing a gaming policy. Oklahoma can simply end the racial component to gaming, and let it continue to grow (not that I personally want to be part of that growth).
- David Van