Late this afternoon, the Oklahoma House of Representatives voted to override the governor's veto, but not by a sufficient 2/3 majority vote. As a result, the Oklahoma medical community and Oklahoma public schools can continue to force children to be immunized without telling them what is being injected into them. What is particularly astonishing is the rationale used by the doctors in the legislature, to justify keeping parents ignorant. Dr Cox of northeast Oklahoma is a primary house proponent of the effort to kill this parental empowerment bill. He clearly argued that if more parents were informed there would be more parents opposing the immunizations. This is the kind of condescending insults that Oklahoma citizens continually receive from the ruling class. Names in Red indicate supporter of the original vote on the bill when it first passed the House, but did not support the override.Blue indicates supporter of the override but not the original vote. |
HOUSE BILL 3016, Rep. Grau Parental rights; creating the Parental Rights Immunization Act; effective date.
YEAS: 55 RCS# 1603
NAYS: 38 5/16/2016
EXC : 8 4:26 PM
C/P : 0
YEAS: 55
Bennett Grau Montgomery Roberts, S.
Brumbaugh Hall Moore Russ
Calvey Hardin Morrissette Scott
Cannaday Henke Mulready Sears
Casey Johnson Murdock Shelton
Cleveland Jordan Murphey Strohm
Cockroft Joyner Newell Thomsen
Coody, J. Kern Nollan Vaughan
Cooksey Kouplen O'Donnell Walker
Derby Leewright Park Wallace
Dunlap Lepak Pfeiffer Wesselhoft
Faught Martin Proctor Wood
Fisher McCall Ritze Young
Goodwin McDaniel, R. Roberts, D.
NAYS: 38
Banz Inman Nelson Shoemake
Biggs Kannady Ortega Stone
Billy Kirby Osborn Tadlock
Condit Lockhart Ownbey Virgin
Coody, A. Loring Perryman Watson
Cox McBride Peterson Williams
Denney McCullough Pruett Wright
Dunnington McDaniel, J. Renegar Mr. Speaker
Griffith McPeak Rousselot
Hoskin Munson Sherrer
Brown Christian Enns Rogers
Caldwell Echols Fourkiller Sanders