Congressman Mark Wayne Mullin Calls Senate Republican Leader, Mitch McConnell 'Out of touch' and says he should move on.
This weekend, podcast followed up on a previous interview with Oklahoma's 2nd District Congressman, Mark Wayne Mullin. Feedback from the Memorial weekend interview produced a few unanswered questions, which host Eddie Huff passed along to Mullin. Mullin promptly responded with a letter to Huff, providing straightforward positions on matters ranging from his personal interactions and comfort to the capitol police officer who shot an unarmed military veteran as she attempted to access a secured area of the House offices. He disavowed any dealings with the Oklahoma Chamber of Commerce and gave harsh words about his long--running disagreements with the Chamber agenda. |
Then he explained why he was not present for a televised debate, saying he had important congressional duties at the same hour of the debate. Lastly, he strongly expressed his non-association with Senate Minority Leader, Mitch McConnell. He says the two of them have never met each other and unless a viable Senate Republican runs against McConnell, he will only have McConnell or Schumer to choose from. He clearly ruled out Schumer. But Mullin ended his letter with a harsh dismissal of McConnell, calling him "Out of Touch" and "Needing to move on.". The news broke in the Saturday weekly podcast of Listen to the audio, here. |