The Oklahoma Ethics Commission has created an online resource for citizens to review the campaign reports of elected officials. State law requires that candidates for elected state office make complete reports at least quarterly, if they are raising money or spending funds. Failure to make these reports can get a politician in significant trouble. Making a false report could result in fines and/or incarceration. Often a candidate will present himself to voters as a staunch supporter of a particular set of values and priorities. But when in office, his votes and public policies will betray that campaign posturing. We are seeing a good deal of that at the state capitol, this weekend. The Guardian website allows the public to type a candidate's last name and search all records and reports for campaign activities. There will often be several quarterly reports as well as supplemental files. These reports will list campaign contributions and campaign expenses paid. The website is a bit clumsy and redundant. It's a government service and has all the inefficiencies we have come to expect from our government. But it is an improvement in transparency. Knowing who funded your local politician is the best way to know how he will vote, in office. Check the list of contributors. |
Several of the Republican Lawmakers' reports show that they had close ties to an indicted campaign operative, Fount Holland. Holland is accused of several felony counts of violating statutes associated with campaigns. Holland also led one of the largest state campaign consulting firms, AH Strategies. Holland also operated Majority Designs, along with his associates.