House Freshman, Tess Teague Writes to her constituents about her vote on the failed Tax bill, HB1054x.
| WORTH REPOSTING: This article ran on 11/8/17 |
Last week the House passed a series of bills that would use cash on hand to fund DHS, Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services and the Oklahoma Health Care Authority fully until April, giving us more time to work and preventing any cuts. The Senate has refused to hear those bills and instead sent us an unconstitutional, log-rolled bill in the form of a $500 million tax increase package. Does that make sense? Right now we're dealing with state agencies who have committed fraud and mismanagement with tax payer dollars, yet instead of conducting the necessary audits and finding efficiencies in government....we're going to our citizens with our hands out saying "Give us more!!" before addressing those issues. I refuse to punish the citizens of this state by making them pay for a problem they did not create.
Quite frankly I'm sick of the games being played at the Capitol. I'm tired of seeing people that are in desperate need, families affected, jobs lost, answering calls of hurting constituents who are terrified of losing the help they rely on for their families. Our people are worth more than getting caught in the crossfires of the games being played at that Capitol and I will not vote on this kind of illegal and astronomical tax package and act like we're heroes for doing it. I urge my colleagues in the House, and especially my colleagues across the building in the Senate chamber, to get back in there and do the right thing. I'm ready to make the right votes.