Cable News Channels can serve a good purpose. But they also become self-serving addictions which polarize and deteriorate societal discourse. If you find yourself using the media outlets as a vicarious outlet for your political interests, you may be doing yourself and your community a disservice. They're Running A Business, Not A Revival. Whether it's situated to the left or right of the political orthodoxies, the media outlets are not making our values their top priority. they're in it to make money, first and foremost. Whoever crafts the best 'flamethrower' rhetoric and demonstrates the best on-air antics will climb the charts, sell the most books, fill the biggest lecture halls, and become the wealthiest. Those who embrace your values for their political gain; will also abandon your values for their political gain. Exhibit 'A' is Ann Coulter. One of her several dozen books is called "How To Talk To A Liberal (If You Must)." Now Coulter is intelligent, and she does have a real gift for communication. But she is a brand which has become obsessed with self-promotion. And she's very successful as a result. Kathy Griffin, on the other hand, has self destructed by overplaying her rhetoric. I congratulate the rabid left for condemning Griffin's tasteless & hostile self-promotion antics. |
Go Talk To Real People ('to' them, not 'at' them)
Nothing gets accomplished by talking at people. You have to actually listen and affirm valid principles. You have to admit personal shortcomings and not worry about not having all the answers to every objection.
I would hope that none of us waits for our political party to dictate our own talking points. It's often an indicator that we really aren't doing our own thinking. We all are complex and incomplete in our politics. It's actually a healthy indicator when we shift our preferred solutions. It means we're still thinking and challenging ourselves.
Be true to your principles and moral convictions. But avoid trying to control other peoples' lives. Freedom of Speech is a beautiful thing. An even more beautiful thing is when two people respectfully let each other dissent and still remain valued friends.
Love is still the most crucial virtue in any society.