The numbers were drastically below the June primary participation, but still 4 Tulsa County Republican races were settled. It was obvious that candidates with the most devoted voters supporting them, were the eventual winners. In Senate 39 (midtown-south), Dave Rader withstood a tough challenge by the former Retail executive, Amanda Teegarden. Rader had surpassed 40% in the primary, But Teegarden only closed part of the gap. Don Newberry defeated the #2 executive in the Court Clerk's office. Name recognition probably helped, as Dan Newberry serves in the Oklahoma senate. Ron Phillips has been handling the day-to-day management of the court clerk's office, as Sally Howe Smith's health issues have curtailed her work capacity. Newberry has been a part of County Assessor, Ken Yazel's team. Scott McEachin won the "McCandidate" race in House 67 (south Tulsa), defeating publisher, Tom McCloud. McEachin has been a practicing attorney in the Energy industry and a community organizer. Joe Newhouse came from behind to defeat public education advocate and former Democrat, Lisa Kramer. Senate 25 is in southeast Tulsa County. Newhouse is a reserve officer and fighter pilot in the US Navy. He also served in Congressman Jim Bridenstine's district office. |
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