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Note: The following email is Information Report #18 from the desk of the national security experts at Project Sentinel.
For over a century the sovereignty and liberty of the United States have been under assault by global revolutionary enemies — foreign and domestic — who seek to destroy America and enslave the world.
America’s enemies can be categorized as follows:
19th century Fabian socialists — currently incarnated as the globalist party of Davos, a collection of powerful neofascists with incredible wealth and penetration of world governments, with allegiance to no country.
The International Communist movement — initiated by the Soviets (in 1919) as the Communist International (Comintern), with various incarnations that operate today as an axis between Beijing and Moscow.
The revolutionary global Islamic movement — embodied by the OIC, the various jihadi groups, and the Muslim Brotherhood, which currently operates under the orbit of Erdogan of Turkey.
Given the opportunity, these enemies have conquered entire nations with brute force, as the Soviets did on occasion. However, history has shown that conventional war can be a sub-optimal tactic. Hence the preferred tactics of our enemies are Information Operations (“IO” is the US military’s current term of art for such tactics) which manifest themselves in our system as political warfare, influence operations, media manipulation, election fraud, targeted assassinations, extrajudicial killings, and subversion of our foundational institutions.
At face value, these three enemy groups seem incongruous allies: Capitalists, Communists, and Jihadis but they are indeed a Diabolic Axis. They share a common victory objective: totalitarian control over the entire world.
Analysis that fails to account for this reality is false.
As Soviet-trained revolutionary Ilich Ramirez Sanchez (“Carlos the Jackal”) wrote in his book, L’islam revolutionnaire (Revolutionary Islam): “Only a coalition of Marxists and Islamists can destroy the United States.”
via Emerald Robinson