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Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel was just given a hero’s welcome by his congregation on Palm Sunday (in the Assyrian Orthodox faith) at Christ The Good Shepherd Church in Australia.
His Palm Sunday sermon (in English) is worth hearing — just click the image below to listen.
Remember that Bishop Emmanuel was attacked by a teenage Muslim boy with a knife just two weeks ago while the bishop was presiding over a live-streamed service at his church.
Here is the message that Bishop Emmanuel had for his attacker this Sunday: “In the name of my Jesus, I forgive you. I love you and I will always pray for you.”
Why was Bishop Emmanuel attacked in the first place? Perhaps because he has the courage to preach the Gospel to the Muslims.
Meanwhile, the Australian government “eSafety Commissioner” Julie Inman-Grant has ordered ordered Twitter/X and Facebook to remove the footage of the terror attack.
Facebook complied with the demand — but Twitter/X has refused.
Here’s the message of Bishop Emmanuel to the Australian government on this matter of censorship:
I say to our beloved, the Australian government, and our beloved Prime Minister, the honorable Mr Albanese, I believe in one thing and that is the integrity and the identity of the human being.
This human identity, this human integrity, is a God-given gift, no one else.
Every human being has the right to freedom of speech and freedom of religion...
I should not worry for my life to be exposed to threat or to be taken away.
Also the Christians have the right to express their beliefs, and for us to say, that free speech is dangerous, that free speech cannot be possible in a democratic country, I'm yet to fathom this…
We should be able as civilized human beings, as intellectuals, we should be able to criticize, to speak, and maybe, at some certain times, we may sound, or we may come across offensive to some degree, but we should be able to say, "I should not worry for my life to be exposed to threat or to be taken away".
A non-Christian can criticize my faith, can attack my faith. I will say one thing, “may God forgive you, and may God bless you.”
This is a civilized way, an intellectual way, to approaching such events.
For us to say because of this freedom of speech, it is causing dramas and dilemmas therefore everything should be censored — where is democracy, where is humanity, where is integrity?
Consider the courage of this one bishop. In the midst of so much trouble and apostasy in the Christian churches, here is a man who is not afraid to die for his Christian faith.
May the Lord bless him and protect him and keep him.
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