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There’s election fraud everywhere you look these days.
First, you had Dominion Voting machines completely blow up Puerto Rico’s election primaries on June 2nd.
And then, yesterday in Georgia, the Fulton County clerk requested permission from the court to destroy their 2020 election ballots — even though the ballots are sealed under court order for an upcoming election integrity case that hasn’t been heard yet.
Why did Fulton County want to destroy the ballots? The county claimed that there's not enough room in their secure warehouse.
You know: their new 60,000-square-foot “election operations” warehouse.
You remember those ballots, don’t you?
Of course you do.
Meanwhile in Arizona, a Democrat activist looked around an empty Maricopa County election headquarters, full of voting equipment, and said to himself: why not steal it myself?
On June 20th, surveillance cameras caught a temporary elections employee taking a security fob from someone’s desk at the Maricopa County elections building.
On Tuesday, June 25th, the disgraced Maricopa County Supervisor Bill Gates was forced to hold a press conference where he claimed that “election security has not been effected in any way.”
Yes — except for having the police recover a missing security fob for the tabulators, plus the reprogramming of the equipment, and the logic & accuracy testing — everything is just fine.
Never better!
Gates added a significant detail about the stolen fob: “So this black security key right here, this is not utilized under normal circumstances. This is just used on Election Day. This is for the Election Day tabulators. So the folks who are involved in that going out to the 223 vote centers that we have across Maricopa County on July 30, on primary day. This will be out there. What we do at the beginning of each day, we do an inventory check and make sure that we have all of these black security keys.”
Of course, Arizona’s election officials also wanted you to know that there were no signs that this theft was politically motivated.
That’s a strange conclusion since the (alleged) thief’s social media accounts were all wiped clean, or deleted, soon after his arrest — according to Kari Lake’s advisor Carolyn Wren.
The good news is that the FBI was just a bit too late cleaning up this particular mess since his social media accounts were copied in time for all of us to enjoy the Democrat agit-prop he posted — along with selfies next to prominent Democrat politicians!
Of course, no story about Arizona’s corrupt elections would be complete without at least one cameo appearance by the disgraced Maricopa County recorder (and future Hair Club For Men customer) Stephen Richer — who was forced to issue a public apology of his own.