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Note: The following email is Information Report #17 from the desk of the national security experts at Project Sentinel.
A prudent steward of national security always errs on the side of caution.
During the first Trump administration, America’s enemies prepared and then executed extensive political warfare operations that included:
Unleashing a survivable pandemic using a taxpayer financed gain-of-function pathogen given to our arch-enemy China.
Shutting down the global economy in 2 weeks for no valid scientific reason — with the help of G20 governments and our inter-agencies.
Staging nationwide riots with billions in property damage, extrajudicial killings and targeted assassinations.
Committing massive election fraud, which violated the Constitution.
Labeling MAGA voters as insurrectionists -- who dared to question the Marxist revolutionary tactics of the Left.
People prefer to forget but Donald Trump was President during all of these events — yet he and his Administration did nothing meaningful to prevent or respond to any of these operations.
Our Enemies have now enjoyed four years — and trillions of taxpayer dollars — to better prepare the battlefield environment to destroy America. Republican governors and members of the House and Senate used none of the tools at their disposal to stop or impede these treasonous acts.
The central question remains: does President Trump comprehend the scope and magnitude of the imminent peril the nation continues to be in?
via Emerald Robinson