It’s Time to Join: Project Sentinel
I’ve teamed up with a group of extraordinary national security experts. We’re talking about CIA, DIA, Green Berets, Delta Force, SEAL Team 6. They call themselves: Project Sentinel. Don’t miss the weekly intelligence summaries, the monthly INTSUMs, and the special member-only podcasts that explain how the U.S. government has been weaponized against its own citizens. These are intelligence products of the highest caliber, produced by the best of the best.
Click here for a step-by-step guide to upgrading your membership.
If you want to understand President Trump’s current war against “the Deep State” (which is actually a Marxist counter-state) then it’s time to sign up for PROJECT SENTINEL.
Why did Trump move so quickly to remove the Inspectors General (IGs) from office?
Why did he sign so many EO’s? And why did Trump re-arrange the structure of the National Security Council on his first day?
We will explain all of these key moves in the coming weeks.
PROJECT SENTINEL is staffed by former DoD and Intelligence Community operators and analysts who understand the history and tactics of the International Communist Movement, Maoist political warfare operations, color revolutions, ideological subversion, and other tactics of our enemy, as well as leading political philosophers on the American founding and constitutional scholars.
PROJECT SENTINEL is the synthesis of the professional concerns and conclusions of a diverse team of Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) on American founding principles, government and politics, military and constitutional law, state craft, spy craft, military affairs, strategies, tactics and vulnerabilities, Information Operations (IO) in realms of political warfare, ideological subversion, espionage, counter-intelligence, counter-terrorism, communist strategies and tactics, Active Measures in military and intelligence operations, Hybrid/Fifth Generation/Unrestricted Warfare, cyber warfare, law enforcement, science, technology, critical infrastructure protection, and post-failure consequence management.
The First 5 Lessons of Project Sentinel
Lesson # 1: America’s enemies have already successfully subverted the inter-agencies of the U.S. Government.
The subversion is not about to happen — it’s already happened.
The communists are not about to take control — they already have control.
The evidence to support this conclusion is deep, wide, and encyclopedic. Soviet and Chinese subversion — both through their intelligence operations and thousands of front groups and NGOs they currently control — are aggressively being used to subvert, divide, and corrupt the governments and populations of their Western adversaries.
That’s why President Trump has moved quickly to remove the Inspectors General (IGs) from office. Obama and Biden had packed these positions with Marxists over the last decade.
Lesson # 2: Political warfare is real warfare.
America’s federal government is a Marxist counter-state that has subverted our constitutional government — and that now wields administrative power against the will of the electorate. The crisis America has today is that we have no elected political leaders who comprehend our current situation, articulate it, and organize to confront our enemies and defend the Constitution.
Lesson #3: Communism is a national security threat — and Marxism is an Enemy Threat Doctrine to the Constitution.
The summer 2020 riots were a classic Marxist Color Revolution — used in conjunction with a massive political warfare operation to ensure that President Trump (who actually won in a landslide) would not take office. In 2020, our team sent biweekly Intelligence Summaries (INTSUM) to the NSC and others in government — including at least one cabinet member — as well as recommendations for courses of action (COA) to defend the Constitution.
Lesson #4: If Americans fail to understand our enemies and their political warfare tactics then we will remain in a state of strategic incomprehension and lose our nation forever.
That’s because Americans and their entire government structure are focused exclusively on kinetic war. Our national security apparatus is unable to detect, let alone counter, enemy political warfare operations actively overthrowing the Constitution.
Just look at the arson fires that destroyed Los Angeles if you want to understand this new form of hybrid warfare.
Lesson #5: We have 3,193 legal entities (below the federal level) with state and local legal codes, law enforcement, investigation, and subpoena and prosecution powers. These elected officials and employees number over one million.
How is that possible? There are 50 states with governors, attorneys general, prosecutors, state police superintendents, and various law enforcement officers. There are 3,143 counties and equivalents with constitutional sheriffs, deputy sheriffs, police officers, prosecutors, and judges.
These entities must begin to act to defend the Constitution.
How Can You Join Project Sentinel?
There are three tiers: Founding Members with complete access, Paid Subscribers with partial access, and Free Subscribers with no access to Project Sentinel.
Founding Members ($210 annual membership)
The experts at Project Sentinel will provide intelligence summaries on a regular basis only to Founding Members at Emerald Robinsons’ The Right Way. These are intelligence products of the highest caliber, produced by some of the most well informed military analysts in the world.
Founding Members will also have total access to all information reports provided by Project Sentinel.
The experts at Project Sentinel will also host closed door sessions by phone or chat for Founding Members only — to answer timely questions and provide detailed advice on national security issues.
Paid Subscribers ($70 annual membership)
Paid subscribers will receive only a few information reports provided by Project Sentinel.
Paid subscribers will have to upgrade to Founding Members to have access to all of the information reports, and any of the intelligence summaries, and any of the closed door sessions.
Free Subscribers
Free Subscribers will have no access to Project Sentinel.
If you know a national security expert, or LEO, or military service member who is not currently a Founding Member and who would like to have access to Project Sentinel, a subscription discount is available for them.
Please email: [email protected] for more information.
via Emerald Robinson