With the initial crops of legal cannabis now harvested & cured, the commodity trading boards are firing up with activity among the licensed medical marijuana businesses. Prices are looking very high, from the initial indicators.
The Oklahoma Cannabis Market is the first such online & transparent trading board being utilized to bring these crops to the processors and medical dispensaries. Their first trade is an 8 oz. hybrid strain (Skunk#1) with a tested THC of 19 and a CBD of 8. The crop is from an established hydroponics greenhouse establishment which has been growing vegetables for several years. Retail prices could go as high as $500 per ounce, or more, Plus a tax total of $75, given that the Oklahoma Tax Commission is deciding to ignore the 7% cap that SQ788 mandated. But buying cannabis from a 'black market' source is especially tempting, for a desperate patient. The current price of consumer-reported purchases is around $350 per ounce, for medium to high quality cannabis. Here is a sample of the more recent sales posted at PriceofWeed.com. Unless these numbers change significantly, many patients will face the pragmatic & practical appeal of buying 'off the grid'. |
Medical Market Wholesale |
Autumn harvests are likely to be far lower, next year. That's when the naturally-grown plants will go into a long-awaited flowering from a long spring & summer cultivation in natural outdoor conditions. These are the very conditions which municipal & state agencies are trying hard to prohibit.
The brutal truth is, many opponents of SQ788 are now trying to stop this new healthcare freedom by raising the price so high for patients. |
Black Market Retail
Latest Submissions From Oklahoma consumers, at PriceofWeed.com