People, especially new carriers or those in licensing classes, often don’t think about what to do with their “personal protective devices” when they’re out and about and nature calls.
Put it someplace safe and out of sight of those outside of your stall - yet still easily accessible in case the need arises. Use your own judgment and situational awareness based on your location.
If you are in a weird country where the walls/doors do not go all the way to the floor, try to go to the furthest stall on either end, depending on which side you carry your “personal protective device” so that side of your body is against a wall so that nosy people in the next stall won’t even be able to see your holster.
Better yet…use the Family Restroom, if one is available and you won’t have to worry about prying eyes.
Finally, and I cannot stress this enough, DO NOT FORGET YOUR “PERSONAL PROTECTIVE DEVICE” before leaving the stall. Put it back in its holster and re-conceal, if applicable, once your business is not and you’ve dressed yourself.

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E Pluribus OTAP - October 27, 2021 at 04:37PM