The Sooner Tea Party has written a good half dozen stories about the long “serving” GOP general counsel AJ Ferate, covering his corrupt shenanigans before and at State GOP Conventions, conflicts of interest that he involved himself into like the candidate challenges where two GOP primary candidates are at the Election Board with Ferate representing one of the sides, and the notorious attack on President Trump back in early January of this year. We are no fan of this dude, make no mistake about that.
Yet like the rash on a baby's butt we find ourselves writing again about Ferate because the slow turnover to the incoming GOP Chairman has generated a small debate over tossing the guy out on his ear or keeping him around in a lesser position. Ugh, a Hobson's choice rears its head.
May 02, 2021 at 08:54PM
What to do with AJ Ferate?
Read the full report at Sooner Tea Party.
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