Jonathan Small, president of the Oklahoma Council of Public Affairs, issued the following statement today in response to a judge’s declaration that a little-known, unelected state agency triggered auto-renewal of casino gaming compacts for another 15 years.
The judge’s ruling demonstrates what a horrible deal previous Oklahoma politicians schemed about 15 years ago with casino operators in Oklahoma.
As things stand now, a working family in Oklahoma will pay a significantly higher state-local sales tax rate on the purchase of groceries than what the operators of the world’s largest casino share in fees on slot machine revenue. The extremely low rates imposed on casino gambling are indirectly responsible for the levying of far higher tax rates on Oklahoma’s working families to fund state government.
Oklahoma is at a crossroads. Within in a month two federal courts have issued rulings that allow two sets of rules for Oklahomans, depending on their race and where they live. Oklahoma cannot survive if one group of citizens has to follow a different set of rules than other Oklahomans, especially as it relates to taxation, regulation, public safety, the environment, the economy and commerce.
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by Muskogee Politico - July 29, 2020 at 05:26PM

OCPA decries gaming compact ruling
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