Ken "The Red Railer" Reddick vs. Albert "The Contrarian" Soto“REDDICK vs. SOTO” - October 18th, 2021 @ 7:00 PM is the pilot episode of 'Virtual Street Fight'.Social media has shown us; People want to have publicly important, but sometimes heated, verbal exchanges. Unfortunately, arbitrary rules of missing context combined with an artificial-intelligence that is wholly unaware of human innuendo, creates an algorithmic shredding of the community fabric overseen by big-tech media, to purposely separate those of us with differing opinions… This high-tech sorting creates an exacerbation of today's societal dysfunction.VSF brings the ever present 'Facebook-Spat' and the 'Twitter-Tirade' to an online, virtual battle of words and wit directed through minimal guidelines by emcee, TomE's '3D-Scrutiny' !!! OBJECTIVE : Identify 'Fulcrum-Categories' that determine mutually exclusive personal attitudes. ALSO : Find conclusions with active, partial-agreement, inside VSF parameters. Ultimately bringing together people of differing views, to respect their differences more accurately while promoting the cathartic release of societal duress & individual psychological public pressures from everyday engagements, with people of whom, we are not in total agreement.3DPolitics is hoping to create a recurring segment from this exciting and experimental beginning !!! SIGN UP NOW !!! • Ken Reddick - Tulsa Fence & Roofing Company ( tulsafenceandroofing.com )• 2018 campaign for Tulsa City Council• 2020 campaign Tulsa Mayoral race• Founder Clean Slate Contracting LLC• Journeyman Electrician University of Tulsa• Certified Project Manager (CPM)• Works with charitable missions throughout the city of Tulsa• Albert Soto - Owner Operator of "The Drip" Culinary Coffee Bar, Breakfast & Brunch Restaurant in Claremore ( 900 East Will Rogers Blvd )• 2008 moved from California to Oklahoma for home-schooling freedom; 7 children• Christian, Constitutional, Conservative• Lifelong Republican party member• Stands for "First Principals" and Liberty before party
Oct. 18th, 2021 - Virtual Street Fight : Pilot |