Good to see the Donald back and speaking out at CPAC. He called out the RINOs that betrayed him in the House and Senate and called for the cleaning out of the GOP and putting decent people in charge and in office. He publicized a website,, where little is going on other than fundraising. I gave him $20.00, kind of cringed at the pleas for more cash but that is the campaign website moles, not Trump's doing. The money is funneled through Winred which is a platform for processing donations and I believe the money is going into a PAC to elect pro Trump candidates in the 2022 election season. February 28, 2021 at 07:07PM Trump's CPAC Speech Read the full report at Sooner Tea Party. Read More.. |
Abolitionists Take Tulsa County GOP Leadership RINOs Cleaned out of Oklahoma County GOP They say an election is a test of the intelligence of the voters more than a test of the qualities of the candidates. This was so true on Saturday when Tulsa County GOP leadership fell into abolitionist hands with the election of Ronda Vuliumont Smith as Chairman with the rest of the slots following to fellow radicals. One, Lori Gracy, was elected District Committee person despite a scandal that went nationwide over her comments at a Broken Arrow City Council meeting where Gracy compared wearing a face mask to the Nazi's use of the yellow star for Jews. Gracy had shown a power point presentation complete with pictures of the Jewish Holocaust and Anne Frank. The presentation drew condemnation including from Jewish Rabbis. February 28, 2021 at 07:06PM Abolitionists Take Tulsa County GOP Leadership RINOs Cleaned out of Oklahoma County GOP Read the full report at Sooner Tea Party. Read More..
February 25th 2021 Newsletter
![]() Updated GOP Convention Info and Candidate Info Things are heating up in the GOP with larger than usual turnouts at some of the county conventions already held. We seem to have all the candidates announced for the State GOP Chairman and Vice Chair elections that will happen at the State GOP convention. So far two men have announced for the Chairman spot. Former HD2 State Representative John Bennett and former State Representative Charles Ortega from HD 52. Bennett will be well known and respected in the grass roots circles, a hard working, tough, fearless Constitutional conservative that is solidly pro life. Hands down the man for the job. He is a Marine with tours in Afghanistan and Iraq. Charles Ortega is about the polar opposite of Bennett. Ortega is a RINO to the core and he loves illegal aliens. His usual Trump/RINO index score is usually at the very bottom of the list: February 25, 2021 at 11:21PM Fwd: Updated GOP Convention and Candidate Info Read the full report at Sooner Tea Party. Read More..
February 25th 2021 Newsletter Updated GOP Convention Info and Candidate Info Things are heating up in the GOP with larger than usual turnouts at some of the county conventions already held. We seem to have all the candidates announced for the State GOP Chairman and Vice Chair elections that will happen at the State GOP convention. So far two men have announced for the Chairman spot. Former HD2 State Representative John Bennett and former State Representative Charles Ortega from HD 52. Bennett will be well known and respected in the grass roots circles, a hard working, tough, fearless Constitutional conservative that is solidly pro life. Hands down the man for the job. Charles Ortega is about the polar opposite of Bennett. Ortega is a RINO to the core and he loves illegal aliens. His usual Trump/RINO index score is usually at the very bottom of the list: 6 points out of 100 in 2013 where he got one vote right, 5 points out of 100 in 2014 meaning he got one vote right, 11 points out of 100 in 2016, 15 points out of 100 in 2017, 24 points out of 100 in 2018, 0 points out of 100 in 2019, In addition old Charles is a bit of a tom cat according to his peers in the House of Representatives. Back in 2011 we ran a story on him and a handful of other Representatives that had been caught cheating on their spouses. At the time the sources claimed that the 56 year old horny goat had not only gotten caught cheating on his wife with a much younger woman, but his church stripped him of his deacon position when they found out as it appeared that the “romance” had some connection to the Church or the woman and Ortega had met through the Church. Ortega never denied the story. Now these days that creates some serious reservations about Ortega's character and the potential liability to the GOP should he still be chasing tail and become Chairman. I mean a man that will cheat on his wife and three kids will cheat anyone for anything. Ortega was the Floor Leader under Speaker Hickman and prior to that he was deeply involved with Speaker Kris Steel. One of Ortega's pet projects was shutting down the second wave of anti illegal alien legislation that came after HB 1804. Ortega ran that committee and he would shut down any bills that were anti illegal immigration and he pushed the Soon to be Sooners plan, an addition to the Sooner Care program that specifically states this from their own publication: “Soon-to-be-Soonersis a limited benefit plan providing pregnancy-related medical services to women who do not qualify for benefits due to their immigration status.” The program pays for pre natal care and for all the post natal and birthing expenses of illegal aliens, right out of federal and state tax coffers. They cover around 10,000 births per year in Oklahoma. Charles Ortega's home town was also the scene of one of the largest Oklahoma bank fraud cases in recent memory. The scheme used Oklahoma tax credits given to new companies that would then sell the tax credits for as low as 50 cents on the dollar. Oil companies and banks would snap up the credits for half price and pay their normal taxes with them, saving them millions of dollars in taxes. Ortega's brother in law and partner in their auto repair/tire company was mentioned in a series of emails between an FBI agent and someone that was trying to get the story about on the tax credit fraud. The Chairman of that Altus bank was eventually sentenced to prisonover the bank fraud and tax credit fraud. A late entry into the GOP Chairman race was an abolitionist named Christine Leeviraphan, the GOP Chairman of Rogers County. Look her up on Facebook, she is one of the kind I call cartoon Christians, posts packed with multiple praise the Lord and thank you Jesus sentences. An example is below, and I hate to say this, this is pretty much about all she posts. Browsing her page shows she is far, far right evangelical, you run across the likes of Ronda Vulliumont Smith, abolitionists like Navara, City Elders people, and plenty of RINOs like Pam Pollard and the like. These types are not normal Christians, everything is bigger and forced, the kind of person that Mathews 6.5 spoke of: “And when thou prayest, thou shalt not be as the hypocrites
Yeah, I already said she was an abolitionist, full blown Charley Meadows, T Russell Hunter, Navajas kind of abolitionist. Not pro life like most Republicans, abolitionist, supporting the picketing of churches, calling pro life legends baby killers, trashing pro life politicians and shrilly screaming that we must destroy all of the existing pro life regulations before “Gawd” will bless our abolitionist legislation. But that sentence about accountability for our medical coverages, Medicaid for all? Government health insurance, single payer kind of socialist crap? And good Lord, “State given rights”? What the hell is this woman smoking? I would say our inalienable rights come from God, not the State of Oklahoma. The woman seems to have a low tolerance for those that choose to wear face masks according to this response she got from her announcement: Another name has been mentioned as being recruited to run against John Bennett, former Congressman JC Watts. Now I do not doubt he got a call and was pressured to run, what I doubt is that he is stupid enough to take a run for a public office given the extraordinary scandals that erupted around him since he was in office. Not to mention his brother's scandals. Watts is solidly anti Trump so it just shows how terrified the donor class is over a prospective John Bennett chairmanship. For Vice Chair only two men have announced, David Van Risseghem, AKA David Van of Sooner Politics, and the incumbent Vice Chair “Shame” Jemison. Jemison is employed by the Chickasaw tribe. About this time last year “Shame” was the guest speaker at the Garvin County Democrat Party meeting. “Shame” also was evicted from his apartment in Norman according to this court case for being behind on rent payments. Eviction cases are rare because normally when the landlord posts the notice on the property and sends the registered mail notice the deadbeats simply move. This case was settled which meant that Jeminson either paid his back due rent or moved before the sheriff deputies had to come remove him. I mean people fall on hard times but this was just a few years ago and the boy was working. The last thing we need in office is an irresponsible boy that owes an Indian tribe loyalty over conservative Republican values. David Van of course is widely known and widely respected. The abolitionists do not like him at all. Solidly pro life, has taught classes to the jail employees in Tulsa County how to deal with the mentally ill. He was the Santorum state campaign manager in 2012 and has been active in the Republican Party for decades. A very decent man, a good Christian, and a huge supporter of citizen journalism and free speech. In Oklahoma County Evelyn McCoy is running for re election as Chairman but is being challenged by the current Vice Chair Ken Warner. Warner is a solid Trump supporter who campaigned for Trump multiple times in Oklahoma and Colorado. McCoy is not a Trump supporter, in fact when the issue of censuring Lankford and Inhofe over their votes confirming Biden despite the stolen election McCoy put her foot down during an executive meeting by saying neither man would be censored while she was in control of the Oklahoma County GOP. A lady by the name of Gaylene Stupic is running for the Vice Chair position in Oklahoma County and she seems to be very well supported by conservatives and well experienced. There is a guy running against her and while he put out a nice email he is working with Evelyn McCoy and running more for payback against a few people backing Stupic than a real run for the office. In Tulsa Darren Gantz is running for the Tulsa County GOP slot. Darren is a solid conservative Trump supporter and an excellent choice for Chairman of Tulsa County. The guy ran the Tulsa GOP Mens Club for many years and is a legend at raising money. Solidly pro life, ran for a House seat just to challenge Glen Mulready. And Gantz was a very active activist against Obama Care and the Health Insurance Exchanges. Opposing him is Ronda Vulliumont Smith, the long time leader of the Tulsa 9-12 group. Ronda was an anti Trumper, going so far at the 2016 National GOP convention as to attempt to convince the other delegates to throw their votes for Senator Cruz to remove Trump as the GOP candidate. Here is a portion of a post by someone that was there when this treachery went down: “I'll always remember the time at the 2016 GOP convention in Cleveland, Ohio standing among a group of delegates to the convention and Ronda V. Smith debating with me about how their Cruz delegation was going to come through at the convention and take away the GOP nomination that had already been secured by Donald J Trump.....” Ronda has also had a bad habit of inviting RINO elected officials to her group as speakers and not holding them accountable. Her politics seem conservative but giving the RINOs the credibility of speaking before her group says otherwise. Her first priority always seemed to be maintaining her political viability over the movement itself so she was not one to rock the boat and hold politicians accountable. Another notable part of Ronda's reputation is her willingness to stomp on people that have their own ideas about things. One notorious story was the time she and Amanda Teagarden blew into a thread on Facebook that was about asking GOP Chairman David McLain to resign from his board seat on the City Elders group or resigning his GOP Chairman post. Ronda, being an abolitionist herself, showed up demanding that the post be removed and that the issue not be discussed! This was on Sooner Politics and when David Van refused to censor the discussion Smith teamed up with Tulsa County Chairman Bob Jack and they attempted to throw David Van off his position as State Committeeman. Now this is an elected position. Van had done nothing except allowing a discussion to continue on his Facebook group. They actually carried out the threat but lost the vote to throw Van out of the position. Ronda has a reputation of being petty and vicious to political rivals if she thinks she can bully them. You can see this in action at this news story. Now no one is defending Antifa, but, this was a public park, no permit was in place to make it private and keep out protestors. Yeah, Antifa can be a..., McDugle..., but that doesn't give anyone the right to assault them or try to steal their property! There are two videos, watch the top one first to establish who the fat woman in the grey tee shirt and sunglasses is and then watch the second video for more of the pushing and harassment. The thing that is the most troubling about that video is that Ronda would assault a protestor with the news cameras running. And what is it with trying to hide the guy with her U.S. Flag? Trying to stay in front of him for a good part of the time the cameras were rolling. That is five year old behavior, how embarrassing it would be to have someone this unhinged representing Tulsa County. There is no doubt it is Ronda Vulliumont Smith because at the end of the news story they interview her, same shirt, same glasses as the large woman that is harassing and assaulting the protestor. This incident ended without the protestor filing charges but it could have turned out very different. You can see one of the young antifa men smirking, old Ronda was making a complete fool out of herself and there was the news camera documenting everything. The GOP cannot afford to have such a person representing Tulsa County GOP. The lack of judgment show on that video is more than enough to lead a normal and rational person to reject Ronda Vulliumont Smith as Vice Chair of Tulsa County. And the irony of it all, a Stop the Steal rally with Ronda running things. Just four years earlier she and her fellow Cruz delegates pulled out all the stops and attempted to steal the nomination from Trump at the 2016 GOP Convention! And in Oklahoma County, once again Porter Davis is running for office. This time it is State Committeeman. Geez, Porter Davis has a nasty reputation in the Party. Somehow he got elected for one term in the House in the eighties and that seems to be about it for the loon. I met the guy around 2009, seemed nice enough, a big weird, conspiracy kind of guy. But so many of the others treated him like dirt which puzzled me until I got to know him better. One good Porter Davis story was the time he stole from a five year old. Yeah, really, outright stole from the kid. Ron Paul was coming to down and Porter and his wife wanted to give Dr. Paul and his wife some big bunches of flowers. Now if you run a presidential state campaign you get flooded with this kind of crap. But another family, die hard Ron Paul fans, they named their youngest son after Ron Paul, had asked to meet him. There was a meet and greet for those that called 500 voters but even that wasn't one on one and this was a very fast stop on a very busy campaign trail. But this family was recovering from tragedy. Not too long before a drunk driver had plowed into the family car on Western, killing a couple of the kids and sending others into the hospital long term. So, I approached the campaign about having a five year old girl present flowers to Mrs. Paul. They loved the idea. So Porter Davis was told and he went ballistic, he wanted some face time. Finally he agreed but the idea was that he was likely to try to screw over the kid anyway. At one point I was going through the line on stage and saw the mother and child out past the ropes, not standing in line to present the flowers. I pulled them back in place and bounced on Porter who sniveled and said “Well, she won't work with me.” ??? All there was to do was hand the lady the flowers. Porter got a finger in his face and a dire warning of what would happen to his sorry ass if he cheated the kid out of the opportunity. And you know what happened, Porter Davis screwed the little girl out of her opportunity, pushing her out and presenting the flowers himself. This creepy old Mr. Burns looking dude handing another man's wife flowers. I was up on stage introducing Dr. Paul as he entered the capitol and worked his way down the rope line to the stage and wasn't in a position to stop things. But a few months earlier was another text book Porter Davis story. Upon being chosen as the State Coordinator for the Campaign Porter demanded the list of emails from the Ron Paul donor spreadsheet and if not, he would call the National Campaign and try to get me fired! Well, that list belonged to Dr. Paul and anyone that works on a presidential campaign signs a non disclosure agreement and agrees to follow a two inch thick campaign manual. Not only was the list not in my possession, had it been it was confidential. Porter followed through on his threats but the National Campaign staff figured out what he was in short order. Later that year Porter literally blackmailed Dr. Paul, demanding changes in the campaign staff or his small group of a couple dozen people would go to the media and damage the campaign. My favorite Porter Davis story though was the worst melt down I have ever seen on live TV. There was a MAPS vote and Porter wanted to set up a group and try to stop it from passing another one cent sales tax. So he approached a group called the OCA which was an umbrella group of about 35 conservative groups that I had started in late 2009. We agreed to back him and provide the people for the press conference as long as Porter mentioned the OCA. Well of course he didn't. Porter Davis doesn't keep his word. But a few days later there was a Channel Five live show on Sunday morning, Flash Point or something like that. There was Porter Davis with one of the Ogle boys moderating, with Burns Hargis representing the GOP and a Democrat gadfly representing the Democrats. Porter wasn't prepared and was getting his butt beat badly but the worst was the last minute of the show. Someone brought up Porter Davis's behavior during the run up to Y2K, the year that hit 2000 and so many were panicking about computer programs not being set up to handle four digits in the year section of a date. Yeah, this was a thing, the Y2K scare. So Porter panics, big conspiracy theory guy that he was, sold everything and moved to Oregon to live on a commune while waiting for the end of civilization when 1999 rolled into 2000. And one of the other men on the program brought this up, ambushed Porter Davis, showed everyone watching what a nut job Porter was. Porter just glared at the guy, mouth opening and closing, not a word coming out. This went on for a good thirty seconds, Porter giving the stink eye, mouth opening an closing like a fish, as the last thirty seconds ran out and the closing credits rolled. Not sure who else is running but anyone, Sadam Hussein, Ted Bundy, the Antifa guy in the video fighting with Ronda, anyone would be better suited and less likely to embarrass the GOP. If you want to run for the office you can file on Saturday if you are a delegate. Updated Precinct Meeting and County Convention Info Caddo County | Precinct Meetings and Convention Thursday, February 25, 2021 6:00 PM 8:00 PM Gracemont United Methodist Church (map) Location: Gracemont Methodist Church 1 (580) 450-2831 Harper County Convention Thursday, February 25, 2021 6:30 PM 7:30 PM Harper Co will be holding the county convention on February 25 in Buffalo at the alumni building. Time 6:30. Jefferson County | Precinct Meetings and Convention Friday, February 26, 2021 7:00 PM 8:00 PM Circle D Restaurant (map) 7:00 PM, Friday, February 26, 2021, at Circle D Restaurant, 209 N Main St, Waurika, OK 73573 Delaware County | Precinct Meetings & Convention Saturday, February 27, 2021 9:00 AM 10:00 AM Trinity Baptist Church (map) Delaware County will be meeting at Trinity Baptist Church on Saturday, February 27 at 9:00AM. The address is 4th & Main in Grove, OK 74344 Tulsa County Precinct Meetings and Convention Saturday, February 27, 2021 10:00 AM 12:00 PM Stoney Creek Convention Center in Broken Arrow. Logan County GOP | Precinct Meetings & Convention Saturday, February 27, 2021 10:00 AM 11:00 AM 118 South 2nd Street Guthrie, OK, 73044 United States (map) General Precinct Convention will be held on Saturday the 27th at 10 am at 118 S 2nd street Guthrie OK 73044. Individual precincts meetings will be sent over on FEB 8th. Oklahoma County Convention Not the precinct meetings, if you didn't make it Tuesday night call the Oklahoma County GOP Saturday, February 27th, 2021 8:00 AM 9:00 AM Higher Plain Baptist Church Registration starts at 8:00 A.M. Convention convenes at 9:00 A.M. Murray County GOP | Precinct Meeting and Convention
Murray County Republican Party Will meet on February 27 2021 at 10am for Precinct meeting and county convention. Call or text 580-618-4881 for more information. Chairman Rogelio Trevino Rogelio Trevino [email protected] Pittsburg CountyPrecinct Meetings and Convention Saturday, February 27, 2021 10:00 AM 12:00 PM Northside Assembly Of God Church (map) Pittsburg County will have their County Precinct & County Convention on Saturday, February 27th, 10 AM-Noon. Northside Assembly Of God Church: 3602 N. George Nigh Expressway, McAlester, OK Carter County GOP Convention Tuesday, March 2, 2021 6:00 PM 8:00 PM American Nation Bank Operations Center Craig County | Precinct Meetings and Convention Tuesday, March 2, 2021 6:30 PM 8:30 PM Emmanuel Church (map) Craig County will be holding their Convention on March 2nd, at 6:30. The convention will be held at the Emmanuel Church, 437551 E 60 HWY, Vinita OK 74301. The precinct will start at 6:30 and the County will start after, around 7:30. Wagoner County GOP Convention Saturday, March 6, 2021 9:00 AM 11:00 AM Abundant Rain Church When: Saturday, March 6, 2021 (Bad Weather Backup Date will be Saturday, March 13) Time: 9:00 am Registration Begins 10:00 am County Convention Starts Where: Abundant Rain Church, 12425 South 273rd East Avenue, Coweta, OK 74429. To be a delegate at the County Convention, you must attend your precinct meeting. If you MUST be absent from the precinct meeting, you must contact your Precinct Chair before the close of the week of the precinct meeting. If you cannot reach your Precinct Chair, contact your County Chair. Cleveland County GOP Convention 2021 Not the precinct meetings! Saturday, March 6, 2021 9:00 AM 10:00 AM Official time and location of convention to come. Rogers County GOP | Convention Not the precinct meetings! Saturday, March 6, 2021 10:00 AM 11:30 AM Rogers County Building Payne County precinct meeting is March 13 contact: Constance (Connie) Parker, Chairman (405) 743-9364 [email protected] at the Vassar Community Center in Perkins Ok. Registration begins at 8:00AM with Precinct meetings starting at 9:00AM. The County Convention will follow the county precinct meetings. Garfield County| Forum for State Chairman and Vice-Chairman
Garfield Co is hosting a forum for the State Chair and Vice Chair candidates on April 3rd. We will begin at 10 am. We are still working on a venue, but it will be in Enid. I will update when this information becomes available. OKGOP 2021 Biennial State Convention Saturday, April 10, 2021 9:00 AM 10:00 AM Cox Convention Center, 1 Myriad Gardens, Oklahoma City, OK 73102 More info to come. To be a delegate at the Biennial State Convention, you must first start by attending your precinct meeting and then be elected as a Delegate from the County Convention TO the State Convention. If you MUST be absent from the precinct meeting, you must contact your Precinct Chair before the close of the week of the precinct meeting. If you cannot reach your Precinct Chair, contact your County Chair. February 24, 2021 at 09:33PM Updated GOP Convention and Candidate Info Read the full report at Sooner Tea Party. Read More..
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