Well, when someone like Porter Davis announces your candidacy on Facebook you gotta know the candidate is bat shit crazy. Porter is a huge conspiracy theory advocate. Before December 31st 1999 Porter and his wife had uprooted every thing and moved to a commune in Oregon, convinced that Y2K was to be the end of the world. For the kids out there, Y2K was the fear that the two digit date space that had been inserted into many old software systems would crash the internet and everything that attached to the internet. Then there was Jade Helm, the conspiracy theory that the U.S. Government was using Walmart's to prepare for rounding up citizens and putting us in internment camps. Porter was terrified over that one.
March 28, 2021 at 10:03PM
The Radical Posts of GOP Chairman Candidate Jenni White
Read the full report at Sooner Tea Party.
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