In the previous story, Part I of this series of exposes of massive corruption we asked who posed as Greg Hendrix's brother whose phone number was provided by the State Rep office to enable the swatting of Greg. We asked why a State Rep's office was involved. We asked why this swatting had to happen. The answers are going to be stunning for a huge portion of the conservatives in Oklahoma but the proof is iron clad.
The first question, who posed as Greg's “brother”? We are not sure but if asked to make an educated guess we would say possibly it was Alan Beard, Bennett's long time district office manager and our rational for this assumption becomes clear. Two phone numbers appear on the Mental Health Crisis Intervention Note dated June 20 2017, one now goes back to an Indian tribe mental health office, the other was a very old number used by Greg Hendrix many years ago, lost when changing phone providers. What is missing is the phone number for the “brother”. Keep in mind the Intervention Note was written up by a supervisor, not the intake person on the suicide hot line. We know that the police that responded claimed that one “Ward” Hendrix was the worried brother. Greg has one brother, named Floyd Hendrix, living in the Coweta area, not Sallisaw where the storage unit was located that was mentioned in the Intervention Note. BTW the estrangement of the Hendrix brothers was caused by a girlfriend of Floyd and it was nothing more than mild irritation over allowing a woman to cause friction in the family and the best way was to just stay away from the woman.
June 05, 2022 at 10:44PM
Stolen Valor Leads to Paranoid Actions, Which Leads to Physical Violence Against a Disabled Combat Veteran
Read the full report at Sooner Tea Party.
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