Just when you thought you heard it all, a principal at an elementary school is a drag queen on the side and was also previously arrested on child pornography charges.
Pastor gets dragged out of a school board meeting after reading from a book that was available to middle schoolers. School boards hate being shown what theyâre offering kids to read!
One of the largest healthcare providers in the US promotes trans 4-year-olds in new mandatory staff training videos. INSANE
Remember when segregation was bad? Well this week an elementary school held a segregated no whites allowed playdate event. Weâre moving backwards!
Groomers love outing themselves on tiktok! Watch this one push to be able to keep secrets from parents!
It seems every day more groomers are outed. Bad actors are lurking around your children ready to prey on them. Thatâs why I wrote a book which strengthens the family unit and teaches kids how to spot predator adults who try to tell them to keep secrets from their parents. A very important lesson! Protect your kids today and buy a copy at lottbook.com or on Amazon.