It's remarkable how any time a conservative with an above-average amount of melanin talks about hate thrown their way by progressives, white progressives can't wait to prove the conservative right. The whiter the progressive, the more clueless they sound. What Joy "Everyone Loved Me in Blackface" Behar says isn't one of the more racist responses to Tim Scott's rebuttal. But like most of what comes out of Behar's facehole, she sounds like her chauffeur drove her to the studio in the short bus.
He does not seem to understand — and a lot of them don't seem to understand — the difference between a racist country and systemic racism. Maybe it's not a racist country, maybe Americans — the majority — are not racist. But we live in a country with systemic racism.
And the fact that Tim Scott cannot acknowledge this is appalling.
I believe this is what the college kids call whitesplaining to the black man. Joy Behar is appalled that Tim Scott, looking like he does, has an opinion that Joy Behar, looking like she does, disagreed with. One might even label it an example of systemic racism if one believed systemic racism was real and not just a catchphrase leftists attach to anything they want that they can't intellectually honestly debate. Progressives want something + they lump it under "systemic racism" = if you disagree you're a raaaaaaaaacist.
The idea of "systemic racism" only works if you believe that America is a racist country. "Systemic" is a term that refers to the entire body. Believing in systemic racism in America means you think the entire body of America is racist. Otherwise, it's just another meaningless political catchphrase Democrats use to further divide the country.
I know people like Behar just regurgitate the talking points sent to them by Democrats. But at least try to think once in a while. Behar being "appalled" that the black guy has opinions she found lacking makes her look like the one with a systemic problem.
April 30, 2021 at 08:03AM - Brodigan
Mayonnaise-Looking Joy Behar Claims Tim Scott Doesn't Understand Racism
Click the headline to read the full report at Louder With Crowder