Contrary to what you might have heard, it's not just MAGA-loving Fox News viewers who have an issue with the v*ccine mandate. You wouldn't know that if you watch CNN or MSNBC unless you think the massive protests breaking out in New York City are all Trump supporters or that Black Lives Matters organizations oppose mandates because of how much they love Tucker Carlson. Let's see how they spin actor/producer/rap pioneer Ice Cube telling a producer where to stick his 'Fauci Ouchie' request.
According to the Hollywood Reporter, Ice Cube was supposed to star in a movie called Oh Hell No. Cube had signed on to the film in June when being allowed to make personal medical decisions wasn't frowned upon. Since then the producers answered Joe Biden's call to mandate employees do what Joe Biden wants them to do. Producers told Ice Cube that he needed to stick a needle in his arm. Cube said "F*ck Tha Mandate" and bounced.
Allegedly. No one responded to HR's request for comment. Also alleged is that Ice Cube is walking away from NINE MILLION DOLLARS.
This would not be the first time Ice Cube disappointed the left, and/or didn't do what liberals expected of him. If he's not careful, he may start to get a reputation or have bloggers call him a pawn of white supremacy. If/when they do, one can only hope Ice Cube responds to them the same way he responded in "No Vaseline."
This makes Ice Cube the most notable celebrity to publically say no. It also makes him the only notable celebrity who has said no. And if Cube goes public, it could be a gamechanger for the pro-freedom, anti-mandate forces. Think about it. We're at a point where Ice Cube and police officers throughout the country are on the same side of an issue.
October 30, 2021 at 07:38AM - Brodigan
WOW: Ice Cube Walks Away from $9 MILLION When Movie Producer Wanted to Force Him Into Getting the V*ccine
Click the headline to read the full report at Louder With Crowder