The policy is being framed in pop culture as a concession to the confused and "trans-gendered" among us. It is not a pro-homosexual concession. Lesbian women are not interested in men peeing on their toilet seats. Gay men don't have as much interest drawing them to women's restrooms.
The new Target corporate policy is being explained to store management as a non confrontational disposition. No one is being 'carded' or asked to show gender evidence. Their word is accepted without challenge. In fact, personnel is going out of their way in most reports, to be extra positive and reassuring to guests who cross over. Parents and grandparents are being rebuffed and sometimes shamed for complaining.
Essentially, the local biker club is being granted access to hangout in the ladies room, and National corporate leadership really hasn't worked out the response which will inevitably come from this. Right now they are congratulating themselves for not being bigots. At a time when feminist leaders are decrying the 'rape culture' of the college campus, they are invoking policies which further endanger women. It leads one to question if these leaders are more intent on undermining morality than being morality's champion.