It is somewhat unthinkable, but 3 1/2 years ago it was a felony 5 year prison sentence if a mother was caught with a simple bottle of pure CBD oil. But Rep Jon Echols sought to change that, for some Oklahoma children who were suffering debilitating seizures and other terrible disabilities. Even though the oil had no psychoactive content (THC) there were plenty of those who needed a lot of 'encouragement to vote for it. In the end, there were still a handful of legislators who refused to allow any product of the cannabis plant to be legal.
On February 28th the members supporting the bill totaled 85. 5 voted against it, including a licensed physician; and 9 did not register a vote. Today, CBD oil is sold in all 50 states without any prescription, patient license, or dosage limits. It is found to be therapeutic in far more treatment protocols than even the house author of HB2154 even knew of. It would take until November 1st of 2015 before mom's could legally possess the essential oil, It seems asinine today. Considering how far we've come. Today Rep. Echols' HB2612 passed the House with 93 votes of support. That bill authorizes permanent framework for patients to utilize all parts of the cannabis plant. But the restrictions are immense and the cost is expensive, because of the regulations. How many will look back 4 years from now and wonder what all the fuss was about. |
Although Democrats in the senate are still a single-digit caucus, they intimidated all but one of the senators to turn their historic chamber into a giant & overreaching school board. JJ Dossett (a Democrat former school teacher) decided to make it a crime for anyone to step on public school grounds with a personal vaporizer. SB33
Meanwhile the House passed a restoration of Oklahomans' right to keep and bear arms without infringement. Majority Leader Jon Echols and a large contingent of House Republicans co-authored the measure HB2597. Our legislature passed language decades ago which required citizens to buy that right by paying hundreds of dollars and taking education courses. 70 Republicans supported the constitutional mandate and 6 opted to leave the restrictions in place. 24 Democrats all voted against the Constitutional Carry reform.
KOTV News reports; "Tulsa Public Schools reported a loss of 496 from August to January this school year. Epic reported its headcount is now at 22,000, up an additional 8,000 from the last school year."
Epic Charter is now one of the top 5 public school districts in Oklahoma.
D.A. Mike Fisher might be worse than the night shift cops on the Pawhuska force.
Sooner Politics