Another police officer faces several serious charges stemming from a violent outburst. This time it;s the Police Chief of Webber's Falls, Oklahoma. His arraignment and mugshot is being handled like that of any suspected common criminal charged with a violent crime. Last year the Police Chief of Mannford, Oklahoma was brutally beaten to death by one of his top detectives, while at a training conference. In all likelihood, Webber's Falls is now seeking a new police chief. One veteran peace officer told me that he was asked and he declined the request to apply. An Oklahoma comedian quipped on social media; "It wouldn't have happened if he'd just complied with the policeman's orders." Fox23 was one of the first to break the story. their report includes..
Justin Amash Steps In the Libertarian Ring..
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The Oklahoma Council of Public Affairs has distributed a petition calling on our state & local governments to move to restore jobs, commerce, and society, in a planned and safe manner.
While the governor is relieved and pleased with the positive direction of the pandemic statistics, he says that now is not the time to 'let the foot off the gas'.
They had no challengers step up, so they will be declared 'duly elected' to the 2021 legislature.
Sooner Politics