The following is a litany of quotes and position papers from Mary Fallin, over the past 20 years, according to On The Issues "Unborn have equal claim to right-to-life as the born In Oklahoma, we recognize that families, not federal agencies, are the building blocks of society. " | Mary Fallin on Abortion In 2010 Mary Fallin had a 100 percent rating from the National Right to Life Committee and has received the "True Blue" award from Focus on the Family and the Family Research Council. Source: 2010 House campaign website,, "Issues" , Nov 2, 2010 "We believe in the right to life, and we believe the unborn have an equal claim to that right as the born." |
On Friday, May 20th, 2016; Governor Mary Fallin had the great opportunity to sign the legislation(SB1552) which would finally force the US Supreme Court to keep their 1973 promise to revisit the scientific proof of when life begins. For over 40 years, the high court has skirted that fundamental question of who is a human. SB1552 was overwhelmingly passed by both houses of the Oklahoma Legislature. When presented with the bill, she promptly vetoed it. In her message, she congratulated herself for her; "long history of championing and signing pro-life and pro-family legislation". press release Fallin does concur that; "Senate Bill 1552 would have made it a felony for physicians to perform abortions. It also contained a provision to revoke their medical licenses unless the abortion was necessary to save the life of the mother." But she rests her case on the oft-cited claim that a bill " is written too vague to withstand any court battle. Even though the governor is not a lawyer, she refuted the view of the noted attorney and former prosecutor who currently chairs the Senate Judicial Committee (Anthony Sykes) who supports the bill. | |