Last week, dozens of lawmakers circulated discharge petitions for proposed laws to force the hand of private industry. The specific issue is whether a hospital maternity ward and neonatal ICU staff will have all current vaccine protocols met in order to clock in for work. Now, some medical corporations are seeking much broader mandates, but I selected the scenario of the newborn experience to illustrate that a new parent has a reasonable desire to see that their newly born child has the most safe environment when born. Hospitals and clinics are weighing these decisions and they realize that there are going to be real problems if they move forward with employee mandates. But I also want these 'frontline' workers to know that they have other effective options which don't involve legal precedence that they may one day regret. The medical industry employers may face consequences regardless which policy decision they adopt. |
Without Vaccine Mandate
With Vaccine Mandate
If I was planning for this big event for my new family, I'd be very impressed with this message. the problem is that vaccines mostly mask a person from showing symptoms, but they're still spreading infections when they're a-symptomatic and infected. The only real protections would be if every employee was tested with a rapid result test when they clock-in, daily. Joe Rogan has done this for every staffer & guest who appears in studio for his podcast show.
Tulsa's big 4 hospitals are mostly not mandating vaccines. Ascension/Saint Johns appears to be the only hospital suspending employees who don't prove they are within the corporate vaccine protocols.