Due to the vast misunderstanding of the Oklahoma Medical Marijuana Authority(OMMA) rules, we decided to address 6 of them. We talked to the public information officer of the Oklahoma Dept. of Health(ODH). She helped us get the real facts. The ODH staff has done all that can be expected, to provide timely and accurate information.
Myth #1: Veterinarians are able to write license recommendations for medical cannabis.
The statutes passed in the initiative petition known as SQ788 stipulated that a physician licensed in Oklahoma to treat people. That language includes the
Myth #2: Several traveling 'quacks' are setting up fraudulent practices
The statute requires that the physician be someone that a patient has a relationship with. Rules require at least annual follow-up appts.
Myth #3: Only 50 dispensary licenses will be granted for the whole state.
Myth #4: The rules are permanent
It will not be at the state headquarters. It was previously scheduled to be part of a 'workshop' nature. State Open Meeting law still applies, so it will be published 10 days in advance and the agenda will be posted 2 days in advance. The meeting is open to the public.
This board is set to lose their rulemaking authority on January 14th because of the new law enacted by HB3036, which moves that authority to the new office of Commissioner of Health (a governor's appointment).
Myth #5: Medical Cannabis products will be for sale on August 25th
It appears that the OMMA will be acquiring or authorizing these plants from either confiscated in-state sources, or in an interstate action which the federal govt. seems to ban. Until the new crops come in, only CBD products are available (and have been for years, in Oklahoma). It may be that a 'Don't Ask - Don't Tell' policy is adopted so that growers have a start-up stock.
Myth #6: You can't own a firearm if you're a Cannabis patient
For those who can endure reading govt. regulatory texts, here's the approved set of emergency rules.