On Tuesday night Gov. Kevin Stitt led a forum of public servants tasked with protecting public safety in Oklahoma. the event was in Tulsa's downtown civic center complex.
But many of last year's BLM activists were the same faces disrupting the forum on problems created by the landmark US Supreme Court ruling that Eastern Oklahoma still has North American Indian reservations. Specifically, the ruling cites a failure of the 1907 US Congress, to formally dissolve the reservations. Most historians assumed the 5 tribes had conceded the point when they led the effort to attain statehood, twice! But now the leftist organizers are starting to spread a victim narrative in the land they historically have led and prospered in. The only slavery ever condoned in Oklahoma was that which the tribes brought to Oklahoma. Even after tribal soldiers fought in the Civil War to aid the Confederacy; tribes kept ownership of slaves until nearly 2 years after they were freed in the Confederacy. Cherokee Brigadier General, Stand Waitee, was the last general to surrender the Civil War. He led the Tribal Army of the Indian Territory. |
Yet a different narrative of tribal genocide is being spread in speeches like the video we have embedded in this report.
Even Tulsa's famed Greenwood Avenue is named after the most prominent slaveowner of the Choctaw Nation. Greenwood LeFlore chose to stay in Mississippi as an American and served in the Mississippi senate with his close friend Jefferson Davis. He also kept his large cotton plantation and scores of black slaves. Any American Indian had the opportunity to stay in the southeastern states, but he had to live under state law. Tribal autonomy was only possible if the tribe moved to Indian Territory(now known as Oklahoma). Tribes asked for 'safe passage through rival tribe's territory, and the US Cavalry gave that free escort. Sadly, it resulted in significant brutality as the soldiers chose the pace of travel, even if some frail folks could not keep up. Now the Cherokee tribe has exiled all Freedmen from tribal citizenship. While we can all find a narrative to borrow offenses and claim the victim card from a distant relative or someone from our same homeland or shade of beige skin; It does nothing but drive a wedge among and between us. Critical Theorists are clearly operatives of insurrection and devoted to the takedown of the nation. What's more, they are working to takedown the state of Oklahoma. Sadly the US Supreme Court has added to the problem and the leftists in congressional leadership are happy to watch our state suffer. In the embedded video, Shelly Lynn, a former law enforcement officer with Tulsa County; talks about how Full autonomy needs to be restored to her Oklahoma Cherokee lands. Lynn has been an activist & organizer for several Democrat objectives. But these ethnic narratives exist to create discontent in tribal and ethnic African communities of the U.S.. But the Marxists who control the narrative are not seeking anything less than full tyrannical power over all the lands, and they will not honor the treaties of the USA. Marxists always wage class warfare, and now they stir up race wars, even where no racists can be found(except in big cities controlled by leftists). |
Tulsan, Shelley Lynn provided live video of the Tuesda y town hall. She provides this commentary narrative of Cherokees being perpetually oppressed, and never the oppressors.