In the wake of an election which was marked with violence and demonizing beyond any previous norms; many are asking if it isn't a more harmonious option just to seek a divorce and form a real commonwealth association. That was the original intent of the Continental congress of 1776. The real downfall of the initial constitution was in our weak national defence and poorly managed interstate commerce. But the 2nd constitution has largely been abandoned by the monster that we allowed to grow unchecked in a district called Columbia. The federal govt. was designed as a child of the 13 states who formed it in the lat 18th century. When massive new territories were purchased or conquered, the federal entity became the parent of those eventual states. Hence, the role reversal. |
A quick Google search will summon proposals for slicing the United States into two, five, seven, a different seven, eight, nine, 11, 12, or 13 smaller nations. I have a particular favorite, though I suspect simply cutting the country in any set of subdivisions risks unnecessary conflict without solving many of the problems of size. Bonnie Kristian adds another thought; "We could find nuance in fresh solutions that our hateful red vs. blue fights cannot permit. We could preserve the good things about the United States while losing the bitter and unwieldy national politics which almost none of us can meaningfully influence.Ironically, chopping up the United States could make us more united." | "America is not a single country. It is a collection of seven competitive nations and three quasi-independent city-states, each with its own tastes, proclivities, resources and problems.” - Joel Kotkin for Forbes Magazine. "Look, we had a good run. Well, maybe "good" isn't quite the right word ... but certainly it's been interesting. These United States were a grand experiment. But the experiment has gotten out of hand. It's time to peacefully dissolve the union. I know, I know. This is not what good Americans are supposed to suggest. "Four score and seven years ago" and all that. But to borrow a lesser-known phrase from that brief address, it seems to me we have tested whether this nation "can long endure," and increasingly it is clear it cannot. It's just not working. " - Bonnie Kristian - The Week ![]() “(The American Left and Right) are now the couple screaming at each other all night, every night, as the kids hide in their room, The GOP may have the House, Senate, and presidency, but we have completely lost the culture war will only accept this kind of abuse for so long. As with couples, so with countries: divorce may be painful, but it may be the least bad option. Because sooner or later, the left-wing rage mob will start coming for the careers (and lives) of any normal American who sees things differently. This idea of breaking up the country may seem a bit outlandish now, but you won’t think so once real domestic unrest comes to your town.” Jesse Kelly - the Federalist |