He wants our tax dollars to be used to bribe big business to the state. He wants public education to get a lot more money.
Here 's a 'grocery list' of the points he made. 1. $1200 more for public school teachers. 2. Consolidation of licensing agencies and tax filing. 3. Reforms & innovations in how education happens. 4. More local funding of schools, without losing state aid. 5. "Reimagining of school districts." 6. Student-centered reforms, not bureaucracy-centered. |
8. Drug war reset?
9. $1.5 million for "women in recovery". (What about men?)
10. More money for SQ781 reforms.
11. Licensing reform so ex-cons can seek honest employment.
12. Revenue growth should help train doctors and add to child medical care.
13. Doesn't trust federal medicaid expansion funding.
14. Wants authority to appoint a leader of the healthcare authority.
15. "We need more taxpayers, not more taxes."
16. Make it easier to start a business.
17. Wants to use a state fund to subsidize private industry growth with a 'closing fund'. (crony capitalism).
18 He loves the "Real ID drivers license and mentioned no concern about the 4th amendment privacy violations.
1. Nothing was said about mental health resources.
2. Nothing was said about the medical marijuana laws
3. No renewal of his pledge to Oklahoma Taxpayers Unite (that he would not seek any tax increases)
4. No commitment to sign a real end of selective abortion.
He says Oklahomans want accountability, transparency, and results.
He did not say that we want restored liberty or a lesser tax burden.
He wants our state to pay more to public educators than any other state in the region. He appears to be willing to compete with other states to hold the title of "pays most to public school teachers"