That didn't stop the convention from passing a motion to hold an unofficial "straw poll". The results were predictably in favor of Congressman Jim Bridenstine for a 3rd term in congress. The unanimous result was just one more affirmation of Republican support. Last night the House Freedom Caucus sent several of their members from across the nation to be a part of Jim Bridenstine's Freedom Rally, at the Renaissance Hotel Ballroom.
Former US Senator, Tom Coburn, also added his formal endorsement recently. Tulsa Mayor, Dewey Bartlett, has also been a Bridenstine ally for Tulsa.
The Primary election will be held next Tuesday, but early voting is open this Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, at each county. In Tulsa County voters can go to the downtown Tulsa Election board office, or at Hardesty Regional Library, near 97th & Memorial Drive. (Thurs-Fri 9-6, Sat 9-2)