Former State Senator, Randy Brogdon, shares a political lesson his grandson helped him understand. I have been confused as to why so many republicans are eager to raise taxes. How can so many of them ignore a fundamental plank in the platform of the Republican Party? A platform that most if not all supported and professed to uphold when they campaigned for office. I think I just had an epiphany. I found the answer in my three year old grandson. He will ask me to buy him an ice cream cone, chicken nuggets, sprite, a basketball, a candy bar and pretty much anything else he wants. He has no problem asking because he has no idea of the value of money. All he knows is, when I give my money to someone else, he benefits. Sometimes I buy what he wants and sometimes I don’t. I’m the grown up and it’s my responsibility to make decisions that are best for him. My epiphany; politicians are like my three year old grandson. They ask for more and more of our tax dollars because they have little or no concern for us, the taxpayer. |
But here is the main difference between the majority of politicians in the Oklahoma legislature, Governor Fallin, and my three year old grandson. I have a smart, well behaved and respectful grandson. When I say no, he doesn’t whine day after day after day and ask for more and more and more.
He realizes even at this young age, that I know what’s best because I’m the grownup. I believe it is way past time for the Governor and the legislators to stop whining about wanting tax increases in order to hide the waste and corruption in state government spending.
I’m grateful for the 22 legislators in the House that understand the value of our money and know how important it is to audit the agencies. Thankfully they are fighting against the tax increases. A few legislators are questioning not only how much we are spending, but why are we spending it? They are asking is there any waste in government? Are there any programs currently receiving tax dollars that are not necessary, a priority, or maybe even proper? Why is government controlling almost every aspect of our lives? These are all good questions that should be thoroughly vetted before taxes are ever raised.
To all the other legislators I will say, stop sweeping the waste and corruption under the rug. Clean up your own room before you condemn us to higher taxes.