Perhaps no state was as connected to Reagan's vision of liberty, than Oklahoma. In 1976, Oklahoma fully sided with Reagan in the struggle for the heart & soul of the Republican party. In 1982 President Reagan came to Oklahoma to address a joint session of the Oklahoma legislature. Even our staunchly Democrat state house understood that our people were Reaganites. Though they were Democrats, they knew Reagan's vision was solidly shared in the hearts of the Oklahoma people. Reagan saw the political struggle for America was not best defined by the conventional 'left vs right' ideology. Reagan saw the struggle as up vs down. Liberty vs Statism. I recently came across a passage from Edmund Morris, in his 1984 book entitled; "Dutch". This Reagan biography best captured Reagan's sentiments about the real enemy of Liberty. He called it 'Statism'.
The alternative is the dream conceived by our Founding Fathers, up to the ultimate in individual freedom, consistent with an orderly society. We don't celebrate Dependence Day on the Fourth of July. We celebrate Independence Day." Source: Dutch, by Edmund Morris, p.506 Jul 4, 1984 |
They are a cancer to the health of the GOP. It is deadly to see these cancer cells as GOP growth. In reality they are the corruption which brings death to the essence of our life, our liberty, and our posterity. It falls upon Oklahoma to lead our nation back to a reawakening of Liberty. Or as Lincoln put it; "that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom".
For the last month our cowardly legislature and governor have been captive to a narrative of growing socialism in the public education arena. The leadership of the legislature silenced any narrative of responsible reform. It was well designed and controlled with an iron fist of political threats. The relatively few dissenters now face political retribution. Most of them remain in the fight. Some have even recruited passionate new voices to the crusade for liberty. These few courageous public servants for liberty are asking Oklahomans to recommit themselves to the vision of Reagan. To rediscover a passion for Liberty and resistance to the hideous encroachment of statist threats.
A petition is being prepared for circulation among the people of Oklahoma. It seeks to throw off the latest massive increase in the percent of our labor that the state can confiscate to pacify our worst bureaucratic monument to statism... the Oklahoma Department of Education.
A new wave of authentic leadership is emerging. Some of these candidates & advocates are new to politics. Some are trusted & consistent leaders with legacies dating back to Reagan's prime. Our task is to study and find the authentic leaders who share our passion for liberty. And more than anything else, make a commitment to join the 40 patriots who signed the following statement, in 1776;