The former football coach who now sits in the Oklahoma Senate now wants to end an arrangement that his legislature has seldom ever exercised. He wants to raise our taxes without asking our permission. He posts rarely on social media, but he took the time and effort this past week to make his point. In common theme with so many progressive arguments, he compares Oklahoma to the other states and declares us yet again to be 49th, in his way of thinking. He also borrows from his football vernacular to say; "Today was a first experience. Much of my professional life has been very public and illuminated by a scoreboard. But, today was the first time to be part of a team that out scored the competition 37-5, and 71-28, and lost." I still remember 1992. And Coach Rader was a good coach back then. But I remember the horrible abuse of power that Speaker Steve Lewis House chamber was orchestrating when they passed the HB1017 massive taxes and education spending. That bill was promised to end once & for all, our lack of educational resources. The people revolted and circulated a petition to place a constitutional amendment before the voters. It simply says; |
We voters think the playbook is just fine, and the team at Lincoln Blvd. ought to use the book more fully, before throwing it out. How do you know the play is bad when you never call it up or even practice it? What other forms of democracy will we lose by senatorial fiat? the right to vote for millage? the right to pass capitol improvement bonds? The right to select our representatives & senators? If ever there was a time to protect & be protected by the constitutional stipulations of confiscating our sustenance for life, it is now. This legislature is as bad as the 1991 legacy. |