The Oklahoma media was enamored by the hot mic incident at the capitol Blue Room, yesterday. While the House Republican Caucus was awaiting the governor to join them for a prominent press event, the news crew of News9 KWTV had already set up their live feed for the newsroom, back at the station. Recently several news media outlets have begun capturing the events on facebook and other social media. This time they decided to let the feed run live on their website and social media acct. pages. Then Rep Fetgatter was asked by Rep. Mark McBride about the rumors surrounding a sexual misconduct investigation. In McBrides dry humor style, he posed a loaded question which had drawn the ire of Fetgatter, mostly because Fetgatter says he's been asked the same line of questions for several days. Fetgatter then responded sarcastically, clarifying the scenario which Sooner Tea Party had published. He said, " ..I allowed it to happen." This incited even more dry sarcasm from McBride. He then upped the level of bad taste with a remark suggesting beastiality might be what really happened. The entire press event that Speaker McCall & Governor Stitt had organized, was then overshadowed in the press. |
To Rep. Scott Fetgatter's credit, he took ownership of his poor judgment and released an apology within a couple hours of the incident. Rep. Mark McBride has not released any statement that we could find.
I talked with Rep. Fetgatter on Tuesday afternoon about the matter. He said the first thing he did was to call his wife and let her know the mistake he'd made. He told me that he spent Tuesday morning speaking one-on-one with as many female legislators as he could, letting them know he regrets the discourse.
But by Tuesday evening, even the major media outlets of the Washington press core was gawking along with the Sooner State politicos.
Two state legislators in Oklahoma appeared to joke about sexual misconduct allegations in remarks made near a hot mic on Monday, according to a local TV station. KWTV-News 9 in Oklahoma City reported that while awaiting the start of a press conference by Gov. Kevin Stitt (R), state Rep. Mark McBride (R) could be heard talking to state Rep. Scott Fetgatter (R). “You molested this girl after Kannady did?" McBride asked. “No, I was at the table and I allowed it," Fetgatter said in an apparent response. “Are you sure it wasn’t a donkey or a goat?” McBride then said. |