There are 62 clinics in Oklahoma known to be willing & confident to treat ill patients with the newest 'old medicines' coming back to Oklahoma. That's a very small fraction of the entire medical community.
In June the voters strongly approved medical marijuana(cannabis) as a medicine that doctors should be able to utilize at their own discretion, and with oversight from the state physicians boards. Family Practice physicians are especially important in this area of medicine. But those same agencies, licensing boards, medical schools, and associations have failed to provide any clarity to the latest science involving the endocannabinoid system or how to utilize the cannabinoid receptors for therapeutic results.. Until the establishment medical societies step up and show leadership, the people will further diminish holding a high professional respect for that system. For over a decade there has been a growing trend of turning to naturopathic cures and comforts from oils, herbs, extracts, and other non-synthetic treatments. And many are now strong disciples of the idea of getting healthing and wellness through foods, minerals, herbs, and even going so far as removing chlorines and flouride from their water sources. |
Another obstacle is the corporate takeover of most of Oklahoma's local clinics. Most physicians (especially in larger cities) are now employees of the huge national hospital chains. those corporate chains are refusing to allow their physicians order treatments with cannabis. It's the old saying; "what folks aren't up on, they're down on." the we see a massive segment of the people seeking treatment at the Veteran's clinics and state medicaid & mental health contractors. These government agencies often cite fear of federal sanctions if they even discuss cannabis medicine treatments.
This podcast by KGOU details many of these issues.