The president of one of Oklahoma's leading Christian Universities, Dr. Everett Piper; conducted his weekly segments on Tulsa talk radio, this morning. This week the topics included drug policy changes. Piper gave his strong support for the medically-supervised use of cannabis products.
At 12:30 into the segment, Dr. Piper is asked by Pat Campbell of KFAQ, whether he supports the medically supervised use of marijuana? "I have no problem, no problem,,, No problem! If a doctor prescribes a drug for your cancer or other ailment, then that's between you and your doctor. I have no difficulty with that." That's a totally different conversation than recreational consumption." Dr. Piper calls himself a 'teetotaler' (a phrase which goes back at least 100 years, to describe those who avoid liquor consumption). But he does not seek to impose his personal convictions as a universal doctrine. Piper admits that he sometimes is rightfully criticized for using the 'slippery slope' analogy to discredit social changes. We've included the podcast, below. |
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