But Oklahoma only dared to do this regarding cannabis medicines. And only after California and 29 other states led the way. And then it was only done when the people stepped up and wrote the proposal, got the signatures, and waited for an election balloting. The founders deliberately created a limited federal union. Unless the states specifically enumerate a power to the federal 'child' we created in 1788, then that power is reserved to the states & the individuals. States are vested with several powers which federal government is denied. It was designed that way, so that Oklahoma is not governed by East Coast cultural values, and Oregon is not restricted to Arkansas lifestyle. |
It's not that I'm against lawful regulation... But it must be done by the constitutional powers within each of the 50 states. The federal govt. does have a role, but it's very limited. Only the orderly interstate commerce (trade between separate states) is a constitutional role of the federal entity. The federal govt. did do some of this role last December, when they passed the 2018 Farm Bill. That bill was still unconstitutional in that it required the states to attain USDA approval for Industrial Trace Hemp Farming Programs. But it insured that states could not interrupt transports of Industrial Hemp (Like Pawhuska cops did last January).
Let's take a separate example of the limits of federal powers...
Nearly 20 years ago, Sen. Hillary Clinton led an effort to ban cockfighting. But the only federal law she championed was to prohibit Alabama roosters from being transported to Oklahoma for events. Oklahoma law decides Oklahoma matters... Not Washington, DC.
100 years ago, in order to federally prohibit liquor, a constitutional amendment was required (3/4 of the states concurring). But we failed to mount a challenge in the 1970s, when the feds started banning other substances, like Cannabis. Now the power-drunk federal Drug Enforcement Administration goes about the empire and destroys every venture which has not purchased federal approval to operate by a mountain of federal agency rules.
The Original Intent..
In 1787, 13 states (the parents of our republic) met together and created a child. that child is the proposed federal entity. Each delegation in that sweaty hall in Philadelphia was naturally distrustful of the other 12 delegations in the room. But they knew their common defense required an arrangement which would be more effective than the Articles of Confederation which they were operating under.
Now, that federal child they created has risen up and usurped power over the parents (states). It's time for an intervention and a declaration of our own states' parental powers to limit the federal role in governance of the republic.
If we're going to have a war on drugs, at least do it constitutionally, in Oklahoma, by Oklahomans, & for Oklahomans.