There is nothing more self-defeating than a self-proclaimed libertarian who advocates for more regulation on the liberty of others. True libertarianism is very selfless. But most of those claiming a libertarian philosophy are harming the brand by their own selfishness. It manifests in many ways. Let's look at a few... Anti Corporatism State Question 777 is greatly demagogued by the anti GMO crowd. "Big Ag" is the boogie man they fear. Monsanto is the "Dark Syth" they blame for many of their own health frailties. Genetically Modified Organisms are the next level in developing through controlled pollinization. But when little Bobbie has a peanut allergy, his parents conveniently blames the food supply. They want farmers to be controlled ant told not to buy Monsanto's seeds. These libertarians are making a case for the EPA to clamp down further on farmers. |

I visited with a Libertarian Party Delegate to the national convention, a few months back. He was a public school teacher. He was adamant that all school kids must be immunized against whatever diseases the state deemed a public health threat. He explained his own vulnerabilities and how he relied on others to stop the spread of diseases. He advocates for the force of law to either take kids away from parents or forcibly inject unknown toxins into them by court order. There is no greater affront to liberty than controlling another's life. And no more essential affirmation of liberty than respecting that another's life does not belong to you or your government's public policies.
Anarchists & Pacifists
The "no borders" libertarian is more accurately described as an anarchist. Securing our national border is the most fundamental duty of our federal government. But pacifism is not the same as the Non Aggression Principle. Libertarians identify the NAP as the most fundamental belief of a libertarian. It simply means that a libertarian does not initiate aggression upon others. But the defense of one's liberty is completely supported in classic libertarian catechism.

Social Engineers
The Social Engineering libertarian undermines his own claim by using the force of law to enslave private individuals to serve the designated minorities. Presidential candidate, Gary Johnson is in this camp. He supports the idea that private commerce should be controlled so as to make sure every identified minority has access to their services. He makes no accommodation for religious conscience. If a rape victim refuses to build a porno website for a would-be client the government has a right to force her into servitude. If a motorcycle gang wants to self-identify as 'girls'; then the shopping mall cannot prevent them from entering the girls restroom.
When you combine the no-borders libertarian with the social engineering libertarian, you're very close to describing the Obama administration's policy of massive immigration of unvetted foreigners, in a hellhole of pacifist paralysis.

I recently joined a discussion of a local libertarian group, at a monthly meeting they hold. they were reviewing the state questions on the upcoming election. We concluded the meeting with balloting on the 7 questions. the results were almost unanimous. They overwhelmingly supported easing the laws about drugs and booze. Everything else was overwhelmingly rejected.
God Haters
Some of them were openly atheist. But most of them seemed preoccupied with grave concerns that evangelical Christians may be emboldened by the removal of the "Blaine Amendment" language from our state constitution.
When I presented the concern that our Oklahoma Guardsmen could have their ranks stripped of any chaplains, if the amendment does not pass; they didn't seem bothered by the notion that we may send our troops off to die in Falujah without any access to basic ministerial support or counsel. A Roman Catholic would be forced at gunpoint to forego mandated weekly mass and risk death with a mortal sin on his soul (which according to Catholic doctrine does render a soul to eternal hell)

I began my rejoinder with an admission that I may not be a very good libertarian or the best student thereof, but It seems to me that many elf-identified libertarians are seeking further limits on everyone else, but more liberty for themselves. They are undermining their libertarian message through their own selfishness.
Now, one must clearly admit that libertarians are not the first to be hypocrites. The average evangelical Republican is just as selfish, if not more. I've been one such example. I want my 10 commandments at the capitol, I want government observance of Christian holy days.
The only workable prescription for freedom in our land is a policy of true liberty. But that means we have to quit trying to force others to live like us. We have to let them do stupid stuff and suffer their own consequences. Socialist bailout programs kill liberty because the state then claims to be able to protect you from yourself. The current Drug war is not winnable without sacrificing essential liberty. Unless we admit the same conclusions that Prohibition failures taught us, we will go bankrupt trying to force people to abstain.
- David Van Risseghem