The City govt. of El Reno, is refusing a business permit to a fully legal medical marijuana dispensary. The rationale of the council seems to be claiming that a church will be suffering irreparable harm by having this medical dispensary in a commercial district which a church previously chose to also set up in.
The council moved quickly to make special ordinances specifically targeted at banning the new class of medicine, just weeks after the people of Oklahoma voted to remove the ban for those whose physicians directed such care. Attorney Ronald Durbin posted this statement;
State law says; "F. No city or local municipality may unduly change or restrict zoning laws to prevent the opening of a retail marijuana establishment. "
If the city was adjusting ordinances to ban all similar commerce, it might have found some justification; but drugstores such as Rukes Discount Pharmacy is directly across the street from Green Buffalo, in the heart of the business district.
The Methodist church is on the other side of the next street over. Both medicine retailers are between 500-600 feet(using the 'door-to-door' pedestrian method that courts have determined as a zoning standard. The city is now deciding to apply a different method of measuring, using an "as the crow flies" distance. No court is known to have upheld a marijuana zoning distance rule such as what the city hall is attempting to apply. By this 'crow flies' application, a person would have to possess supernatural powers to walk through several brick walls and trespass through the Huber-Benson Funeral Home' then break through a back alley fire exit, to enter the cannabis dispensary. Ruke's Discount Pharmacy is not affected by the special new language. Only specific legal dispensaries of cannabis medicines. Ruke's Discount Pharmacy is licensed to sell synthetic cannabis, marketed as 'Marinol'. Marinol lacks many of the more than 100 natural cannabinoids. It's like comparing natural table sugar to synthetics like saccharine. Christians in the community are being exploited by the city council, which claims to be protecting them and one of their churches. Meanwhile Christians are being prevented from accessing the medicines which their doctors are directing them to utilize for restored health. Meanwhile, Walgreens & CVS are selling CBD oils and even synthetic marijuana (Marinol). Drugstores go even further in the distribution of Methamphetamines and Opioid drugs, as well as synthetic psychotropic substances.
An Oklahoma district court judge has weighed in on the precedent and ruled on the similar actions of Broken Arrow;
“We were crushed. We were absolutely crushed. We love this city, and we love the people in this city. We chose this city because this is our home,” he said.
The City Of El Reno, Oklahoma has denied Green Buffalo Enterprises, LLC (doing business as The Green Buffalo Cannabis Company ® at 105 S Rock Island Ave, El Reno) of our city medical marijuana retailer’s permit on 3/17/2019 stating that "Due to the distance between your proposed location and the Wesley United Methodist Church, your application has been denied."
The decision to deny a city permit was made despite the fact that the State of Oklahoma has already issued Green Buffalo Enterprises, LLC a commercial medical marijuana dispensary license for said location...
And the fact that Judge Patrick Pickerill had previously ruled “as a matter of law, Oklahoma cities are precluded from adopting regulations, zoning overlays, fees or other restrictions as to the medical marijuana business activities authorized by Oklahoma’s Medical Marijuana Act."
This blatant defiance is in direct conflict with the state’s law which clearly reads “No city or local municipality may unduly change or restrict zoning laws to prevent the opening of a retail marijuana establishment” and the emergency rules signed by our Governor stating "Requires a dispensary to be at least 1,000 feet away from any entrance to any public or private school, not church."
And now the taxpayers (our loving customers) may have to foot the bill for the city of El Reno to try and fight the state law... and our attorneys.
In the meantime, patients will miss out on their medicine and the state will miss out on a ton of tax money!
Is it really that important to keep us on one side of the street vs the other?
How do YOU feel about them wasting your hard earned tax dollars?
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- Call/Tag/Write/Visit the City of El Reno - Gov councilmen
101 N. Choctaw
El Reno, OK 73036
Ask them to:
- a - Immediately hold special, emergency council.
- b - Repeal all additional (non-compliant) ordinances placed on marijuana business &/or patients and abide by state law.
The Green Buffalo Cannabis Company ®
105 S Rock Island Ave.
El Reno, OK 73036
[email protected]