The State Election Board once again set new protocols on process in emergency public health conditions. The number of candidates contending for legislative seats is at a modern day low, this cycle. That number dropped even further with about a dozen challenges filed.
The 3-member state board tribunal held a marathon session yesterday by 'skype' video conference technology. Election Board Secretary, Paul Ziriax made sure the public had access to the process, but at least one of the 'judges' (Paul Maulden) did not appear on camera, so we had to simply assume that we were hearing the input of this judge. In typical fashion, a small portion of the candidates chose not to defend their eligibility when challenged. These challenges cost a candidate $250 to file or defend, but if they prevail, the fee is returned to them. They also have a very short window of time to have the challenge officially served to the disputed candidate, by the county sheriff. |
Rep Jason Lowe, an attorney representing a largely black district of north central OKC, was shown to be more present at an Edmond suburban home, than the humble abode in the district which he claims as his residency. Utility bills seem to confirm the notion that little if any electricity is consumed at that claimed OKC residence.
The final docket item of the day pitted Kenton Patzkowsky of the NW Oklahoma panhandle district against the challenger, Kennybob Tapp. Patzkowsky secured the legal counsel of the OKGOP's long time legal counsel, AJ Ferate; who alleged that Tapp is actually a Colorado resident. Tapp's legal counsel, Jonathan Krems, was able to prevail with the tribunal on the matter of Tapp's legal voter eligibility. The Tapp family ranch is a multi generational homestead ranch which is a cultural norm in traditional rural prairie ranches. Kennybob Tapp helps oversee the multi-state land holdings of his family's ranching operation and many nights his family stays in the Colorado side of the border. The tribunal went into executive session for an extended period before resuming open business to rule in favor of Kennybob Tapp's defense of his eligibility. |
Adrian Otap provided significant coverage of the Jason Lowe challenge, here.
The Facebook video of the Election Board hearings is also a departure from the tradition of holding the proceeding in Senate facilities & webcast. |