Dr. Robert Malone created the innovative gene therapy known as mRNA. But he's not immune to the fascist cancel culture of the CDC and the partners in the Tech sector social media world.
Last week he was removed from Twitter for undisclosed violations. Simply put; they know they don't control him so they are terrified that he may discredit the DC fascists. Malone wrote a simple blog post while waiting for his flight from Austin Texas. It is full of good news on the Covid front, which is even more reason for Twitter to ban him. Here's the latest from Dr. Malone's blog..
Do Not Take Part in the Lie Yesterday, I had to take an antibody test in order to get into the studio in Austin. The good news is that my natural immunity from my last round of COVID is robust - with IgA and even IgM Antibodies present. |
This brings me again to one of my biggest issues with the public policy response. Natural immunity equals or trumps immunity from the genetic vaccines, because the natural immune response is broad (against the all 29 proteins of the SAVS-CoV-2 virus) and appears to hold up better against Omicron. This sustained and robust natural immunity also applies to children. We all know it. Why won’t our government and the main stream media admit it?
Why is it that the CDC website that lists 146 million people having already had COVID-19 in the USA has not been updated since October 2, 2021? A quick, back of the napkin calculation projects at least another 20-30 million have had COVID since then. Bringing the number of people who have had COVID to around 170 million. Well over half the people in the USA. |
Of course, one isn’t actually allowed to suggest these ideas on many social media platforms. One can’t be at all critical of the government pandemic response or the fearporn - such talk will get you banned, censored and branded with a scarlet letter “AV” (the dreaded “Anti-Vaxxer” label). I am not an anti-vaxxer, but I will wear this label with pride - speaking truth to power always has consequences.
So, yes back to my thoughts on Omicron – please keep taking that vitamin D3 and get your levels tested, if you haven’t already. Use a formulation that combines the D3 with Vitamins A and K. Please keep up with the zinc, vitamin C and magnesium. Work on weight control, glycemic control and please exercise! All are important.
But also celebrate! If you have had COVID– Omicron is going to be a milder version. In fact, you may not even know that you were infected.