Is it happening right before our eyes? Is Trump now advocating a permanent Tariff Policy? It sure appears this way from his tweets of the last few minutes. The reason that the small truck business in the U.S. is such a go to favorite is that, for many years, Tariffs of 25% have been put on small trucks coming into our country. It is called the “chicken tax.” If we did that with cars coming in, many more cars would be built here..... .....and G.M. would not be closing their plants in Ohio, Michigan & Maryland. Get smart Congress. Also, the countries that send us cars have taken advantage of the U.S. for decades. The President has great power on this issue - Because of the G.M. event, it is being studied now! Tariffs are a regime's way of saying, I'll punish my own people for buying your people's products. Trump is taxing us without legislative authorization. |
Trump started out months ago with a stated policy of "I'll use tariffs to end tariffs, and in the end, everyone will pay no tariffs. ". But tax increases are an addictive drug. It is the 'crack' of politicians, and Trump is not immune to the powers of this. Just as the Republican legislature of Oklahoma is in desperate need of rehab.
Sooner Politics